The Metallica Page

Even God himself couldn't sound better.

This page is under construction. It will contain some movie and sound clips from whatever I can find (which I hope I will get a lot of). Also if anyone has any Metallica clips or just any clips send them to me and I'll put 'em on my page.
I will try to keep up with the Metallica tour schedule and the upcoming events. Also this page is almost constantly being updated so click reload on you browser often. If you have any suggestions about what to put on this page, I will take them into consideration.


Metallica Sound Clips

You need the

Real Audio

player to listen to the files.
Download it here: The Real Audio Home Page

To get to the Metallica Real Audio Page, click here

Video Clips

(must have updated version of quicktime)

Apple's Quicktime home page

These clips will be coming shortly.

If you want some METALLICA links then click here
For a list of tour dates click here
Click here to go to the picture archive
Click here to hear some tunes

If anyone has any suggestions on what to put on this page, email me and I will probably put it on. I am open to ideas. Also tell me if you like the page.

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Real Audio Links Tour Dates Pictures

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