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Alanis Morissette
Welcome to the all new website of the greatest person in the world, our role-model, the person who give us strength to do the things that we do everyday...  
Alanis Morissette
For the people who doesn't know her.. let me introduce her to you: She's a girl who has 22 years old, an incredible voice and amazing thoughts. Her voice is well known as "Multi-Octave", a voice that you could never hear from someone else... and her lyrics are so deep; they get straight to your feelings... no matter how do you feel. So if you don't have Jagged Little Pill yet you should run to a record store near you... now!. By the way, if you have the chance to see her in concert... don't think it twice... just go!, you won't be dissapointed. :)  

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No Pressure Over Capuccino - Acoustic Version

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