So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good-bye...

I created this website some 9 years ago (!) as a bit of an experiment, namely to see if I could successfully teach myself some basic HTML coding. Anyone who has visited this site during that time will attest to the "basic" nature of this web site. :)

Well, I've not really looked at the space in quite some time and primarily use the Geocities server space to share photos/files with friends all around the world. As such, I don't really have much use for the rest of the site - nearly all of the links are broken and the "biography" was so out of date it was hilarious - which is why I've decided to let this web site die a natural death. That, and the fact I want to free up some extra server space!

This former (ex?) website did serve it's purpose though, insofar as it taught me not to be afraid to mess around with coding and try new things. It may even, in some small way, have contributed to my upping sticks and moving to London, England and getting a job in IT (though not in programming, natch).

Bye, bye, "El Stepho Zone" - may you rest in peace. Or failing that at least have a hell of a time getting wasted in Hades! May flaming Sambucas abound! (as Kenny would sing: "Sambuca, my lord, sambuuuucaaaa....")

If you've come across this site via a Google search and were expecting something awe-inspriring and amazing, I can only apologise for the lack of either quality. However, if you've known me personally at some point and 'Googled' me to see whatever happened to me - feel free to send me an e-mail at: I can't guarantee a reply - it depends on if I actually liked you when I knew you - but let's just say there aren't too many people I hate enough to spam. :)

Thanks for visiting!

Steph and little Michael, June 2005