Tori Amos Bootleg Discography

Version 5.0 - June 14, 1999

Present list contains 142 CDs

accesses since March 14, 1997

Table Of Contents

This is a discography listing all available CD bootlegs by Tori Amos. Most bootlegs are live recordings, usually acquired by various illegitimate means or radio broadcasts. For sake of simplicity, I am assembling this list in alphabetical order instead of chronological, but the index page (reachable from the table of contents) contains listings by year, as well as cross-references. If you have any comments about either format, please e-mail me. I will try to update at least once a month, if possible.

If You have any CDs that are not included here, please e-mail me at with all relevant information. Also e-mail me if you have any other questions about any of these CDs.

Please note: I am not a dealer. I do not sell these CDs. I am a collector just like you. If you are interested in obtaining these CDs, please be aware that they are considered illegal in certain locales, and some people feel that they take revenue away from musicians. I feel that whether or not to purchase/trade/record bootlegs is a matter of personal choice, and will continue to do so as long as it is financially feasable for me. For a list of sources for getting these CDs for yourself, check my Legal Issues page.

- Jason

To all who are interested:

This site will no longer be updated. Since the advent of home CD-burners, CD bootleg companies have pretty much all called it quits. It simply made no business sense for them to dodge the law anymore while home users and stores copied all the work they did anyway. New silver bootlegs have gone the way of the dinosaur.

So, why don't I catalog all the CD-R boots that are out there? A couple of reasons. Primarily, I don't have the time to do it. The sheer number of CD-R boots out there is huge, and growing every day, while the actual quantity of material stays the same. The bootleg discography would ballon to outrageous proportions if I were to include each different variation of B-side CD, for example. Add that to the fact that the same recorded concertcan show up under easily a half-dozen names as people duplicate them for their friends, and the permutations are endless. I'd never be able to keep up.

So, thanks to everyone who has helped through the years. I won't be taking the site down anytime soon, and I still believe it provides valuable information for those searching for Silver CD bootlegs, but the information less and less relevant as CD-Rs take over more and more.

Happy Listening,



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