Drafi Deutscher

Born: May 9, 1946 Berlin, Germany

+++ German rock'n'roller, composer and producer +++ First recordings in 1963 +++ First minor hit with "Teeny", followed by "Shake hands", both in 1963 +++ Had his biggest hit in late 1965 with "Marmor, Stein und Eisen bricht" (a cover version by Peter Fenton, "Marble breaks and iron bends", made the British charts in 1966) +++ +++ His career was negatively influenced by allegations of "sexual exposure in front of minors", forcing him to perform mainly under a number of pseudonyms during the 70s and 80s +++ Had huge Pop hits, though, not only in Germany, but also in the US and other parts of the World, based on his songwriting and producing skills +++ Until recently he had a number of smash hits with his new creation, Pop group Mixed Emotions +++ Despite all of his legal and image problems, Drafi has to be regarded as one of the most important and influential music scene personalities of post-war Germany +++

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Last updated January 27, 1997
Web Page by Hans P. Lüters (hpluters@uol.com.br)