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Hello everyone and welcome to Nirv's twisted page®! This page is going to be changed soon! If this is your first time here, take the time to sign my guestbook and input your comments about your first impressions of my page! Enjoy!

Last Update: October 28, 1998 2:45am (CST)

You are bastad #
Since December 9th 1996!

What's new!

October 28

Okay! I'm going on 2 years of owning this site and it's about time I do some drastic changes. I'm thinking of making it into a cool files page with rare files (but helping) found on the internet. Since I have 11MB here, I think I will just keep everything in my hard drive and delete all here and start fresh. For now, finish checking these things because they may no longer be here soon.

Popular files:
Personal Pics & Wav Files
Net Link History
How to be Annoying
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Nirvana Lyrics

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Here are addresses to my other 2 lame pages if
ya wanna check em out!?

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