Welcome at: The Music Page!

I used to have a one-group fan page, but somehow the old one was uninteresting, so I tried to diversify a bit more.
I hope my visitors will like it more now... but no one ever wrote me a comment, so how can I know?!
Here you will find the same subject of my the old home page: music Here you'll find some comments on my favorite groups/singers.

Let's get started! Have fun!

Roxette is Per Gessle & Marie Fredriksson.
It's a great Swedish pop-duo.
Did you ever imagine what would happen if you would put an extraordinary songwriter and a very talented singer with a voice of gold together?? This is one of these cases. Excellent lyrics, songs, singers ! Roxette plays that kind of music you need for a candle light dinner, a night in front of the fireplace... I'm sure each one of you knows at least one of their songs... perhaps you din't realize it. Who doesn't remember the ballade from the "Pretty Woman" Sound Track 'It Must Have Been Love' ? And what about Joyride, 'The Look', 'Fading Like a Flower', 'Sleeping in My Car'... Success leads to success??? I guess in this case the answer is YES and the biggest prove is the recently released album "Don't Bore Us- Get the Chorus" where new and ald hits were put together in a very balanced and soft way.
If you got interested in more about Roxette try this ...

Melissa Etheridge, a great guitar player, songwriter, singer.
In case you never heared anything about this lady, I would give you an advice: first try the "Yes I am" album... In case it doesn't turn out to be your 'cup of tea', don't give up! (*she wasn't mine eighther*) =)
Melissa got a great carrer with some great albums like "Melissa Ehteridge", "Your Little Secret",... just to name a couple of them. With songs like 'I want to come over' , 'All the way to heaven', 'Like the way I do' or 'Dance without sleeping' and ' Come To My Window' she is bound to success and to catch your ear averywhere. Try these and in case I'm wrong tell me! =) I cannot tell you for certain which of these really been on top 10 'Bilboard' (a 'tragic flaw' for a Melissa fan), but for me this are at least top 10 material! (PS. Mtv thanx for such a gorgeous picture of Melissa...) =)
I'm sure you will not regret buying one of her albums...
Interested more about Melissa Etheridge ?

Now, here we have a very talented young lady....
Her name says it all; at least when we talk about her music. A sweet song followed by strong or soft lyrics and a nice guitar. =)
Have a try of 'Pieces of you'. Yeah, I know it's a pitty that Jewel only reased one album... But you can find a lot of Jewl songs and appearances in other people's albums like in Melissa Etheridge's album (I don't recall the name right now) where both of them sing Jewel's "Foolish Games" and Melissa's " You Can Sleep While I Drive". One of her songs you might have heard in the radio some time ago: 'You were meant for me'.... Now "Foolish Games: is being played quite onften in German radio stations. It's not so long ago that the name Jewel did not mean anything to me .... I can only add here: special people can give you special hints! =)
I'm not special for you guys but it's a special hint anyway!! I guess she's got pretty good chances out here... I'm very anxious about her next album. I would say not only anxious I'm dying for her next album, 'cause I know she's got hot material wayting to be recorded... AM I WRONG?!? =)
Interested in more about Jewel ???

Now, here we have a powerful voice combined with great lyrics and a competent band.
A great German Rock Band. Songs are written in German.
For those who don't speak German, I'm really sorry because it gets a bit difficult for you to understand the outstanding lyrics of the Jule Neigel Band but this certaily doesn't mean you should forget their music.
I played Jule's album to my the members of my family, they were all very entusiastic about it.
Even those who can't speak a word of German liked what they heared.

Interested in more about Jule Neigel Band ???

If you watched the opening of the Olimpic Games 1996 (Atlanta) you'll remember her... With a powerful voice she was able to paralise the crowd in the stadion, singing," The Power of a Dream" .
In case you were not ablre to watch this event maybe you went ot the movies to watch "Up Close & Personal" with Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert Redford ... maybe this rings a bell??? 'Because You Loved Me' moves almost everyone's heart the first time you listen to it, then, maybe, you want to listen to it over and over and over and.... =) "Falling Into You" and also her (older) album "The Collour of my Love" is an wonderful album. Celine was able to give a new shine to Ellie Greenwich's, Jeff Barry's & Phil Specter's 'River Deep, Mountain High' once sung by Tina Turner.
With a new album in the market "Love Can Move Mountains" , Celine is surelly going to be a nice X-mas gift. I would give it to my mom... if only I wouldn't be so far away from home... and maybe she's right ... Love can move mountains...
Well, it may sound a bit strange now but Celine's misic is not only for mom's it's universal you only have to like soft music sung by a great powerful voice. =) Other comments about Celine Dion are a click away...

This page used to be very 'heavy', I decided to split it into 2 pages.
To part 2 of the Music Page!

Don't be shy! =)

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