You are slave no: since MoNdAy 9tH DeCeMbEr 1996

The Net is full of sites which allegedly contain cool stuff. After hundreds of hours of surfing, I've come to the conclusion that among the multitude of supposedly cool places, only a select few actually produce suffering and pain. I have therefore taken it upon myself to save you alot of time by bringing you sites which will force you to be chained to a wall and get whipped.

Do you know of a site which is deserving of this description? If so, Scream at me!!

Right Now's Featured Site:THE WEATHERMEN RECORDS
Here you are for all you die hard greedy swines that want to possess all the paraphernalia necessary concerning your idols, Weathermen records can give it to you, at a good price too!

Past InHumanities:

Fasten your seat belts. You are about to experience a journey into the gloomiest sites on the web, where the Goth cult rules and where one can discover the hidden inner secrets which noone dared to reveal before. Anything, from vampyres to witchcraft, from occult beliefs to role playing games, can be found here. Guaranteed 20 years of consant surfing.

The Unofficial Nine Inch Nails Homepage
Not just another page done by a loser who pretends to be a fan, The Unofficial Nine Inch Nails Homepage really kicks hard ass and is the most up to date page on the band that I ever found on the net. Sections include Nine Inch Nails Sensory Stimuli (the best collection of graphics and sounds of the band(although I wish they had included the senses of smell, touch and taste)), the band's interviews: A collection of comments left by Trent Reznor and the other members of the band, and the put-this-one-under-the fangs-of-your-mouse-list: Lyrics and parody lyrics of NIN's songs

Marilyn Manson in The Church Of The AntiChrist Superstar
I must admit, this page deeply impressed me when I saw it. This page contains everything an MM fan could obtain from the net. Can the author of such insane and inhuman masterpieces as Portrait of an American Family and Smells Like Children be the prohesied being who is to be a sign of the end of the world? Well, listen to the new album Antichrist Superstar and you shall be convinced.

The Nothing Records Homepage(Still Empty)
This page has always been and always will be under heavy construction. So there is hardly anything to see at the moment. But there is one thing that attracts my mouse-click time after time. The Say Nothing Forum. This gives fans the opportunity to give their opinions and thoughts about all the works of their Nothing Records Idols. Bands include NIN, MM, PWEI(what a nice set of abbreviations), Prick, Revolting Cocks, etc.

GWAR homepage!!
The crudest, most brutal, (appearance almost matching Marilyn Manson) band in the world is on the net! In this page the truth about their existence on this planet is revealed, and by the looks of it an abomination holocaust is due to hit this world. Hold on to your genitals and have a look. Well.... good luck.

Nine Inch Nails Audio/Video Sample Page
One of the first NIN homepages I tried out. Cool sound files of most of the songs in all kinds of formats are to be found. Some clips, such as a remix of Wish, are not to be found on any of the NIN albums, so it is worth checking out.

The Winkie Web
The Winkies are among us!!! Following a tremendous devastating war in another universe, these strange triangular creatures have come to this world to claim it as their own (haven't I said the same thing about GWAR? well I guess the holocaust thing is not bullshit after all). Evidence shows that Winkies have already infiltrated themselves in various fields of our lives, such as music, and computer games. What are we going to do now??

Therapy? Homepage
In their old days, one of the most thrashing heavy/punk/indie bands in existence, now one of the most melodic, mellow rock bands, Therapy? has always captured my attention and I have always been and will always be one of their greatest fans. This page offers the latest news about the band (well, at least they were the latest, a few months ago), links to other Therapy? homepages, discography, lyrics, guitar tablatures, pics, etc. Be there!

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