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Just in case you care, here are all the trivial things that define me as an individual.

I also have a personal website. Check it out!

Born: 8-2-74 (Roman Numeral Designation is VIII:II:MCMLXXIV)

Family: Sadly, none

Favorite Food: Hard to say - Probably something involving beef

Favorite Snack: Hard to say - Probably something involving beef

Favorite Drink: Mountain Dew

Favorite Author: Orson Scott Card

Favorite Movie: I can't really answer that. I'm a huge movie fan. My favorite genre would probably be Sci-Fi

Favorite Actor: Not Keanu Reeves

Hobbies: Reading, writing, 'rithmetic, watching movies (widescreen), bending steel bars with my bare hands, removing the tines of a fork using only the weight of my stare, and volunteering my services at the local neurosurgery clinic

Favorite Song: Too difficult to answer, perhaps "Rainbow Connection", but only when sung by Kermit

Musical Influences: Toad the Wet Sprocket, Matchbox 20, Foo Fighters, and blah, blah, blah

Matt Liffengren, Paul Liffengren, Jim Rojas, Daniel Wright, Brent Holderman

The actual person, "Kurt Heinzman", is copyrighted and has been used on permission from the artist formerly known as Kurt Heinzman. Violation is punishable - just not by us.