Welcome to Brian's Barenaked Ladies Page. Please take this time to reflect on Today's, September 11th 2001, tragic events and mourn those of us who were lost. Pray for the many left without loved ones, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, husbands and wives. No matter what our circumstance, rich or poor, black or white, yellow or brown ... we are all one. Unfortunately, it takes a tragedy like this for some of us to realize that when it comes down to it, nothing really separates us from one another. Watching the multitudes run for their lives today in New York City, the thousands assumed already dead. It was like watching a movie. It doesn't seem real, yet it is. We are all truly brothers and we are all truly sisters. In a tragedy like this, you see everyone pull together in an effort to save lives that still can be saved. People of all races, people of all backgrounds. Please just remember to love one another and always reach out to help those in need. When the innocent people in New York, Washington DC, and Pittsburgh were attacked and killed today, you and I also were attacked. It could have been me. It could have been you. It could have been your mother or your father, it could have been mine. It very well could have been your wife or your husband. It was someone's wife, it was someone's husband. It was someone's mother, it was someone's father. Life is so precious, and in the world we live in, we see how easy and senselessly it can be lost. Appreciate those in your life, let them know how much they truly mean to you. And let us pray for the future of America and the many lives that still may be lost .... in our country and in others. Right now, this is Evil versus Good, but Good will prevail in the end. God Bless You and Christ's Love.
