Hanson+Leonardo DiCaprio Fantasy Page

Hi! Since I love Hanson as much as I love Leonardo DiCaprio, I've decided to make a page featuring both of them. Below are links to two of my latest (unfinished yet), stories. Click on the pictures below to enter them. Also you can read my previous story Tay-Dreaming

If you have any stories that you would like me to include on my page then please e-mail me! And I'll put them up. You can even include Leonardo DiCaprio stories if you like. Please note though that I have not asked for permission from neither Hanson or Leonardo DiCaprio in order to make this page. It is completely unofficial, and there is no offense meant whatsoever neither to Hanson or Leonardo DiCaprio. My stories are all FICTIONAL! Some parts may also contain adult content or language, so please don't tell me I didn't warn you!

The Hanson Three

Angelic Devil

Links to other Hanson stories

Delicate Strands Of Friendship
Faded Not Forgotten
Hanson Storybook Land
Hanson Top 50 Stories
Hold On Tight
Itz A Beautiful Thing
Love Always Wins
Man In The Moon (plus more stories like: 'English Encounters', 'Disaster' and more)
Sarah's Hanson Land (with stories like: 'Where's The Love', 'The Danger Zone' and more)
Surely As The Sun
Through It All

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