I've stopped trading until I can catch up with the several
hundred discs I'm backed up with, this message will be
removed whenever it's done

<Updates> - 06/30/04
2 Other Bands Video, 3 Nirvana Videos added
17 Other Bands Video, 2 Nirvana Video, 5 Authored Videos

12 Other Bands Video, 4 Nirvana Video, 1 Nirvana Audio,
1 Other Bands Audio added
9 Other Bands Audio, 2 Other Bands Video, 13 Nirvana Audio,
1 Pearl Jam Audio, 4 Pixies Audio, 2 Toadies Audio added

18 Toadies Audio, 2 Other Bands Video added, Nirvana DVD
2/17/90 date corrected

<Nirvana Audio> 144          <Nirvana Video [dvd]> 46
<Other Bands Audio> 62       <Other Bands Video [dvd]> 73
<Breeders Audio> 15          <Pearl Jam Audio> 20
<Pixies Audio> 28            <Toadies Audio> 29

<DVDs authored by me> 8

<to be checked/added> 49

<contact/trading info>