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THE EVENING POST, 1 AUG 1998, Page 12.

Fans say Dobbyn's lyrics prophetic
By Lindsay Mutch

(Reprinted with Permission)

There's no doubting Dave Dobbyn is one of New Zealand's premier singer-songwriters. But is he psychic?

Amid roars of laughter, Dobbyn has officially denied he has any ability for prophecy. But Internet fans beg to differ. An
online "Nostrodobbyn" competition claims Dobbyn's song lyrics have predicted the death of Princess Diana, the
evidence of life on Mars and even American football results.

Dobbyn said he was aware of the Belltower Internet site and enjoyed its contents. But as to the predictions?

"I just thought, 'Somebody interpreting the lyrics? Oh no!' "

In 1996, Nasa scientists found evidence of life on Mars in a meteorite recovered from Antarctica.

On Dobbyn's 1994 single "Rain on Fire" are the words: "From some foreign sky some unstable system . . . a team of
scientists dressed for the freezing cold find evidence of life".

"Buried in the Backyard", which Dobbyn wrote about Princess Diana in 1992 included the lyric: "Kill the princess - put
her out of her misery".

But Dobbyn laughed off any idea it was a prediction. "I was thinking about her when I wrote it. I just pulled the lyric
out of the air. No, I wasn't actually sharpening the axe myself."

On-line fans will have plenty more lyrics to scour when Dobbyn's latest album, The Islander, is released on August 7.

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