Damien's Place

My Resume

Dedicated to the love of my life, Marion

Danielle's Web Space
Zakkary's Web Space

Honorable mention goes to Shadow, my late night programming companion.

Thanx to mom and dad for kicking me in the butt to do something productive.

Get you printer ink !!

Spinning Carrot

my e-mail

Star Wars link below

For those of you who know me, my links will be of No Surprize .

Rock and Roll all Night and Party Every Day !

You Wanted The Best.......You Got The Best.......The Hottest Band In The World.......

This institute of higher learning made mucho dinero from me!

Ahh, yes. The best movies ever made. A biased opinion I suppose, but hey, this is my page.


KISS logo copyright KISS
Aerosmith wings logo copyright Aerosmith