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a band for the new millennium...

SmirK is a pop/punk/longhair/ band outta Ridgefield Washington....a 20 minute drive to portland, oregon. 3 long time friends having fun playing loud,annoying their wives and farm animals,and recording original music.  Check out our CD on deaf Jim records (to order email smirkboy1@yahoo.com)

WOW.....YOU'RE STILL HERE.....?        okay then.....

SMIRK   IS.......

BERT PEGG..guitars/vocals

DEIV STANDAL..vocals/bass

DON GRISWOLD...drums/percussion

well here we are 2000......what the hell does it all mean?.....well for smirk we'll keep doing what we do....and that is ......what again?

oh...yea...HAVE FUN......

these pictures are from july 4 in Ridgefield. SmirK won the blue ribbon for best band..........(ok we were the only band) don't know why this picture is freaked out but hey i'm new at this