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The Dearhunters have just released their first album, Red Wine and Blue.  I caught up with Jodi Phillis from the band to talk about music, mountains and the internet.
TB: Firstly I would like to congratulate you and the rest of the band for making such a terrific album. I’m a huge fan of sad and beautiful songs. Have you always written songs of this ilk throughout your career?, and what other artists and their songs have had an impact on your life?
JP: Well Trent, thanks.  I guess I’m a melancholy kind of girl. The other guys lean in that direction too, especially Tim.  In fact he’s living at my place at the moment and we’re wondering how we’re going to keep each other in happy moods.  I think music is the best tonic for this disposition.

As for other artists, I’ll just tell you the names I always say when asked, Neil Young, Beach Boys, Bacharach and David. Like anyone though we’re all inspired by all kinds of music, not just the stuff that makes you want to die !   Gosh, the Hooley Dooleys have some great songs !  In this group I feel free to explore any territory and I’m not afraid to get too introspective or sentimental.

TB: You live in the Blue Mountains.  Is this a favourite place of yours to live ?
JP: Yes, I do love it. The air is so fresh, there is a lot of creative energy and it’s cheaper than Sydney.
TB: I went there a couple of times years ago and there was a spiritual element about the place.  Does it still have that and have you met any witches or warlocks?
JP: There is the feeling that a lot of people up here just want to make the world a better place.  Mountain people don’t want chaos and traffic. There are a lot of unusual people who are into all kinds of healing.  I’ve met some witches.  I’ve met lots of psycics and lots of lovely weirdos.
(we take a break from our chat while Jodi attends to her baby daughter Ivy, for she has woken and needs some cuddles and general mamma lovin’. We continue once Ivy has settled down with her crayons and colouring book.)
TB: Red Wine and Blue has been released around the country and is also available through the Internet, which basically means it is available around the world.  Are you a Net user and how important is it for groups like the Dearhunters?
Yes, I am a net user.  It’s fantastic !   It’s great for business, chatting with friends across the globe and some say you can even find love on the net.  I hope it helps us to be known around the world because I really want to visit my Dad in New York and we all want to go to Europe !
As the interview winds down, young Ivy runs in and tells us she has a lippy nose which Jodi translates as a slippery nose which actually means a runny nose. We exchange goodbyes and I head for the trainride which will take me home.
Interview with Jodi Phillis by Trent Bisa.  Trent is a freelance music journalist who has contributed to Rolling Stone, Juice, Juke and the 2JJJ magazine.


Revolver Article On The Dearhunters aniheart.gif (4940 bytes)
X-Press Interview With Tim Oxley aniheart.gif (4940 bytes)
Drum Media Interview With Tim Oxley aniheart.gif (4940 bytes)
Sydney Morning Herald "Metro" Article aniheart.gif (4940 bytes)
FBi Radio Interview With Greg Hitchcock (transcription) aniheart.gif (4940 bytes)
Slide Show Fanzine Interview With Jodi Phillis aniheart.gif (4940 bytes)
Dearhunters On Stage - Live Gig Reviews aniheart.gif (4940 bytes)
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