Mr. Ass!
An autobiography about, Jum? Let's just say I have no fuck'n clue what to write about. If it wasn't for the rest of the guys, I'd probably be in jail or in rehab. I've been with the guys since '96, and didn't know shit about playing bass. But, they helped me out alot. They are my second family. But, outside of the band, I enjoy pornos and Marlboros, Rush and Guns-N-Roses, Nintendo 64, WWF wrestling, and I love my girlfriend, Jackie, to death.

Hello, this is ken, i wanted to be on someone else's page too. bye.

I bust my ass for 8 hours a day in a 115 degree shop, and what's worse, I have to make Ford products. That sucks. I'd rather be making Chevy products! Actually, I'd rather be touring with the band right now. But, for now, life ain't to fuck'n bad. And everyone, espacially Carl, says I have a nice ass. Well, that's about it for me. And, just remember, watch out for the Blue Duck!

(photo by Dan English)
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Click here, and you'll hear Jim's one and only bass solo that he's had with the band! The song is called White Spider, recorded live in concert on December 20, 1997 at Dr. Feelgood's Rock City in Conneaut, Ohio. This is also Jim's favorite song, for some reason. Words and music by Carl Gonzalez, copywright 1994 Carl Gonzalez.
Number one porn star, Chasey Lain