Click Here to hear Kenny introducing White Spider at our show on December 20, 1997 at Dr. Feelgood's Rock City in Conneaut, Ohio
ThE sInGeR
Then you've got what you've got. Time heals nothing, and going crazy can't be used as an excuse. We have nothing, you've got no future, and i've got no time to pretend that i can see what the world has to offer.

I'd like to tell you what i like to do, but everything i do is illegal, immoral, and i see no reason to incriminate myself.

So you hate your parents, or maybe you feel life has ripped you off. Well hey nobody's got what they want, life is about being happy with what you have, not wanting what you don't have.

Don't worry, Be happy! -Jum

You know what, you get laid, you get lit, you get laid again, and if it's a good night you get lit again. I feel very strongly about that laid part, if you listen to nothing else i say, get laid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if you have time get lit.

This is not advice, this is just me, and i've got no politics, nor do i have any moral value. I'm just the singer, and i'm happy. Do you know why? because like i said above i
get laid, lit, and am happy with what i have.

Calling's Road is an expression of all of our personal politics, personal sexuality (specificly jim's, which is questionable), and fondness for being under the influence of foreign substance. If you like our music then godbless you. If you don't, well #@!$ you. Any way we like what we do, and we're damn good at it, so to all of you i say let love rule, and protect yourself, and your partner. Trojan is a weapon in the war on aids.


(Photo by Dan English)

For more pics of Ken and the rest of the band,

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