<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/carol4241/macdreams.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
I have had alot of request for a page about me, So i have decided to fulfill some or all of everyones curiousity, The following is alittle about me and my family and things that i have accomplished or like to acomplish now and in the future.
To start off my name is Carol Sieving i was born on October.18,1971, I live in Cleveland Ohio and have lived here all my life, I am married my husbands name is Chris and we have a son his name is Justin and he is 9 years old, My hobbies include reading, watching movies, working on my webpage and being on the internet, I am hoping to go back to school soon and learn something that i really enjoy, On September 9th,1999  my life changed, After suffering for many years with a hip problem i finally went into the hospital and had a total hip replacement, It has changed my life drastically and i thank the doctor who did the surgery for what he has done for me, i thank the Lord everyday that i am back up and walking with no pain.
My husband Chris was born on November 6, 1967, We have been married for 9 years, we were married March.18, 1994 in downtown Cleveland 
This is a pic of me, It`s not the greatest of pics but yes it is me *S*
This is my husband Chris and me  at my cousin`s wedding, Yes he is taller then me *S*
This is Justin, the apple of our eye, our son, holy terror *L* Just kidding *L*
More pics
Halloween 2002
The Love Of My Life And I