
Ok, here is the deal fokes, lets face it there is no way I could actually make a living off selling video's and I don't plan on it. I realize that people sometimes don't exactly have anything to trade an want stuff that people have real bad (like me). So instead of making them go buy blanks and send them to me give me money to send them back I will just let them send me $10. That is the same amount it would cost to buy and send me 2 blanks and for me to send back. So instead of making the disgruntled postal workers richer I will just collect the ten bucks and with the left over money just buy blanks myself... its recycling I collect money and just put it back into trading I am not out here to rip off bands thats the last thing I want to do.

Now if your interested in buying video's you can send your money (please only hidden cash or money orders, i don't like rubber checks) along with death threats and hate mail to...

Joe Mama
3612 Pennsylavania Place
Claremont,CA 91711

Its best to email me here; subempir17@aol.com, before you send me money!

© 1997 subempir17@aol.com

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