I have added some navigation buttons because I just thought it was time for you to be able to navigate my sites more easily.  Orange slices, YUM!

Personal Pages:  NOTICE:  THE IRCLINKS PAGE IS THE ONLY PAGE I HAVE TIME TO KEEP UPDATED ANYMORE!!!  The rest is just fluff and stuff, feel free to ignore, but, check out my IRC Links page, everything you need to get mp3's is there, get mIRC and get the tunes the RIAA doesn't want you to have.  See, it screws up their supply chain economics.  If you could buy directly from the artist, you wouldn't need record companies, now would you?


IRC Links Page:   All kinds of IRC related links.  If you use Internet Relay Chat, this will interest you.  If you have no idea what this is, visit my IRC links page, click the mIRC link and get mIRC chat client, install and log on to Dalnet (or other nets).  You can get just about any MP3 you want on IRC!  I now have 2 pages linked here that will help you understand how this IRC/mp3 stuff works!

Humor Page:    Hey, it was a good idea.  I just don't got time for it now... (talking heads...)   Don 't forget to check out my  Past Humor page for previously featured links and jokes.

Free Internet Access:   Due to the economic times, free ISP's have become hard to find.  So this page is irrelevant and no longer worthy of updating!  ;)

Bigo81 Rants:  The rants are being discontinued.  It's kind of like teaching a pig to sing.  It waste's your time and annoys the pig!  Seriously, I don't have time for it and no one gives a rats ass about my bitches anyway!  Who knows what I may put in it's place...

New York City/Times Square Links:  Lame: Some links to NYC & Times Square I put together for my friends for our Y2K New Years trip.

Business Pages:

CSRATECH:  My business page.

abritishpub.com:   Soon to move to ad-free hosting...

iGotGuns.com:   Hey, if you own this site, get in touch with me, I'm the guy who does (or rather, did) you're website.  




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