Here are a few facts that you should know about the Moffatts!!!

  1. Since Scott was 3 years old, he's been imitating his favourite singers in front of the mirror!!! ( How Cute!!! )
  2. Bob is the comedian of the Moffatts clan.
  3. Clint shares a room with Dave!!!!!
  4. Dave is VERY talkative.
  5. Clint will sometimes go to Scott's room and take Scott's book before Scott's even done reading it ( Well, that's what Scott says )
  6. Bob hates it when people ignores him
  7. Dave snores in his sleep!!!
  8. Scott talks in his sleep!!!
  9. Dave is a flirt!!
  10. Bob's nickname "Duke" was given by his mom ( Darlana Moffatt )
  11. Clint is the "Shyest" Moffatt
  12. Dave is a very hyper guy!!
  13. Scott used to be scared of ghosts
  14. Bob likes girls around his age and she should have a good sense of humour!!
  15. Clint can't share a room with Bob coz the'll stay up all night talking and they won't go to sleep!!
  16. Dave has a brown belt in Karate ( they all do, don't they?
  17. The first song that Scott ever wrote was called "Walking Down The Road"
  18. Scott has a mustache!!!! (but he shaves it though)
  19. The all like watching baywatch ( I wonder why )
  20. Frank Moffatt ( father ) accidently fried Scott's Nirvana's "Nevermind" CD in the microwave coz it was getting on his nerves!!!!
  21. Rumours said that the girl who was in their "Miss You Like Crazy" video is Scott's girlfriend....(aaargh!!)
  22. Dave Likes To Talk To Women

Anymore facts about the Moffatts? You could send them to us!!!!

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