Chapter 15

I laughed at Taylor's comment. He wrapped his arm around my neck. "C'mon let's go." We both skated down the hall just as they announced Russia starting the vert. The only thing that I don't like about these compitions is the downhill. That's only because it is the hardest and the most competitive one. I am very good at it but some people I have had to skate against before were in it for the winning and not fun so it had caused me to get hurt most the times. The guy on the vert did many tricks but was never quite high enough in the air causing him to be slightly couaght off balance. The second man did the same so I figured they probaly practiced on higher verts. The two skaters' scores came up on the digital board.

Russia: 1) 93 2) 94

The crowd cheered for them and they proceeded off the ramp and to their seats. Canada came up next with the two really bad skaters. Garrison walked over to us giving an occasional wave to the audience.

"Man, I knew you guys would be good, but I did not know you would be GREAT!" Taylor and I both lit up our faces from delight. "See me after the vert so we can talk, okay?" We both nodded and he walked off. The second skater had already started and was as crapy as hell too. I grabbed Taylor's hand and wrapped my fingers through his.

"Do you know what the prize is if you win this?" I asked him curiously. He thought for a moment before answering.

"I think last year it was cash and a trophy but not a big prize. But this year there's no cash. It's like an item they purchase to give away. You know like how they do at Golf Championships they give away cars." I nodded and leaned my head on Taylor's shoulder when he drappe his arm around my shoulder. The Canadaian group finished and their scores came up.

Canada: 1) 88 2) 90

That placed them last and the top 2 teams went on to the downhill to compete against eachother. The skaters silently went back to their chairs and began taking off their gear and skates. They announced the China team and the guys skated up the vert and started when the bell dinged. The first guy did mostly airs and threw in one 540. The second guy did pretty much the same thing as both Taylor and I saw while skating to the mini ramp up to the top of the vert. When they were both done the scores came up on the board once again.

China: 1) 91 2) 92

"And now team USA!" The announcer yelled. The crowd literally lit up with jumping and screaming people. The bell rang and Taylor went down the ramp. He did lots of airs, inverts, 540's, 740's, and a 900. He skated with such smoothness I almost couldn't belive he was a better musican than skater. He came back up the ramp and stopped right when the ding went off. The crowd that had started to die off when the first ding had already passed started back up again screaming and yelling. The next ding signaled me to start and I started off with an air. I did alot of air, inverts, 3 back-to-back 540's, two 740's, and one 900's! The crowd was making my ears hurt and Taylor stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. His head was sitting on my shoulder when the scores came up.

USA: 1) 99 2) 99

"Oh man folks! This is the first time that a person let alone team has recieved a 99 in any tournament!" The man over the PA said. Taylor and I just smiled and skated down the ramp. He led me outside into the cold air. We could hear the people and skaters but once we got out side the double door we heard nothing. The wind was blwoing through the trees sending a chill down my spine. I felt Taylor pull me to the side and I let myself lean against the back of the wall. He moved his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck.

"Ali, I love you so much. I don't know if I could live without you." Just then my thoughts drifted. I felt as if I was playing with Taylor's head. After what may happen with Richard who knows what will happen. There is always the possibility that I may never see him again. I am involved in a serious game of life and death and using Taylor as a way to reach back into a normal life. I would never have a normal life and I knew that but Taylor did and I have no right to drag him into this. His eyes started burning a hole in my heart. I loved him and I couldn't deny that.

"I love you too and I'll try my best to never leave you." I could say that knowing that I would no matter what try my best never to leave Taylor. He smiled and pulled he into a hug. Garrison ran out the doors and looked around until he stopped us. The expression on his face told us what he was gonna say.

"YOU MADE IT TO THE DOWNHILL!!!!" He yelled at us as happy as could be. He pulled us both into a big bear hug and practicly squeezed us to death. "You go against Russia." He said in a normal voice letting us go. Our smiles faded. Russia had won this tourne for the past 3 years in a row and were VERY competitive. He looked at us both questioningly. "Listen, don't worry about winning this. I pulled you guys into this yesterday thinkng we wouldn't even make it this far. No matter what, you are both winners." Our smiles returned and we all hugged again. The refree walked outside the doubledoors and ushered us to the location of the downhill course. The downhill course is a 2 person event where you travel at speeds from 40 to 45 mph down a steep hill, street, or walk way. One person from each team starts and then once they get to the check point the second team member starts there. Whoever passes the finish line first wins. Lucky for me Taylor asked to go first. He turned to me and gave me a small kiss and left me. He skated up to the starting point and I went to the check point. The skater I was going against was already there.

"Hi." I said putting my hand out. He laughed at me and looked straight ahead. "Do you speak English?" I asked him turning so my body was infront of his.

"You are going down." He said to me. His face grew with anger and I could tell this would be one hell of a race.

"Teams! On your mark..................Get set.....................GO!" Taylor and the other skater appeared on the moniter in front of the crowd. When Taylor pulled away you could hear the Americans screaming. He started down the downhill portion He pulled ahead while in the tuck position. He rounded the first courner and was ahead by not much. The two skated down the stairs. They turned left onto the blading path. Further down the course the check point stood. Taylor and the other kid went at a dead sprint and my hand was tapped first. We started with the sprints down the side walk. We were neck in neck the whole way until we got to the downhill protion. I pulled ahead and I think I could hear the guy behind me grunting. We both took the turn rather hard. It was very sharp making us loose momentum. We were again neck in neck and starting in dead sprints. The finish line was right ahead and it was almost a running race. I could hear the addreniline pounding in my ears along with the fans yelling. I was faster than the guy making me pull away and going up the ramp first. The tape split as I crossed it. "TEAM USA HAS WON!" I literally fell to my knees. Taylor bladed over to me and knelt down beside me as the crowd began closing in. I ripped my helmet of showing my sweaty face and hair falling out. He wrapped me in a hug as the crowd began to crowd around.

"We won!" Taylor slightly yelled in my ear. We both got up on our feet and the announcer came on the outdoor PA. He handed us the trophy.

"You both have won a free trip on a Carribeanian Cruise for your whole family."

Chapter 16

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