Chapter 27

"I can't beleive what I just saw! And I got a picture of Taylor Hanson kissing a girl!!!" A girl about the age of 15 years old. She had short blonde hair and she was wearing all Hanson merchaindise. She had on a shirt, keychain, socks, shoes, she even had the Hanson sign embroidered into her jeans. Taylor let go of me as and stared in awe at the girl. Neither of us expected to get caught. Taylor's mouth was hanging open as the girl started to run away. I set the basket down and started to run after her but Tay grabbed my wrist.

"It's not worth the risk of her telling the press we chased after her." He said to me.

"What are you talking about?! Tay the whole world is gonna know you have a girlfriend and also remember your dad will be pissed when he finds out." Taylor just shook his head.

"The world will find out some time or another, why not now." I stopped struggling and loosened up.

"What about your fans?" I asked. I felt an incredible amount of guilt on my shoulders. Now Hanson would loose many of their fans because of me. It was awful!

"If tomorrow no one cared about Hanson I'd be okay, as long as I have you." He spoke softly to me. His sensitivity touched me deeply. "C'mon let's just get the rest of this stuff and jet before some one else sees." I smiled at him and we locked our fingers together. We bought everything we needed and walked to the back of the store. It had started snowing pretty bad while we were inside and the fact that it was already stacking up made it worse. We quickly unhooked the bikes and slipped our helmets on. The roads were very hard to drive on. Taylor and I rode along side of each other as I heard pressed the button to open the garage. It opened just as we rode in.


Tay and I set up a portable heater in the living room in case heat went out like it usually did. Together we made platters of food and put them on small tables in the living room.

"What exactly is bundling again?" Taylor asked while throwing some more logs in the fire place to start the fire back up and flaming.

"It's an old amish custom. It's when a boyfriend and girlfriend spend the night together under bunches of blankets holding each other passionatly. We learned about it in Literature last year." Taylor's smiled more and walked over to me. He pulled me into a hug and squeezed me.

"About that girl." He said pulling my head from his shoulder. "I don't care if she tells everyone in the whole wide world that Taylor Hanson has a girlfriend. All that matters is the fact that we'll always love each other." I wanted to cry right then and there but I couldn't.

"I love you so much, Tay. More than you'll ever know." I told him. He blushed a little and we hugged again. We stood almost forzen in time standing there holding one another. It was a wonderful feeling sensing the love and Taylor's hand rubbing my back. We parted and continued to set up. The doorbell rang as I was lighting a few candles. I skipped down the steps and opened the door.

"We have arrived!" Corde yelled as she gave me a hug. I smiled at the thought of our friendship. I was always there for her a she was always there for me. Her boyfriend, Jason, walked in behind her. Jason and I had been best friends forever. He lived about 2 blocks down but always walked to my house. Corde, Jason, and I were like a best friend circle. We'd always play together when we were little building forts and stuff. But NEways. I gave Jason a small hug.

"So, where is your man for the night?" Jason asked in his deep voice. He was sorta like a big brother in a way. He always watched out for me and corde.

"He's upstairs. Did you guys get the movies?" I asked as they began kicking off there shoes and hanging up there coats.

"Yeah we got them." Corde said. I led them upstairs and when Tay turned around Corde stopped walking. She looked at him stunned beyond belief with her mouth hanging wide open. As you can guess she was a fan. Jason walked forward over to Tay.

"I'm Jason, excuse my girlfriend." The two guys laughed.

"I'm Taylor, call me Tay." The guys seemed to start talking about various things while i tended to Corde.

"Hello," I said waving my hand infront of her face. "Earth to Cordelia!" She finally snapped out of it and closed her mouth while grabbing my shoulder. She pulled me into the kitchen which often ment girl talk.

"Why didn't you tell me it was 'The Taylor Hanson'!" She almost yelled at me playfully. I cracked a wide smile.

"You wouldn't have believed me and I wanted to see your reaction." It was wrong but I did tell her most of the truth. I told her his name was Jordan which is true and Tara told her that her boyfriend was Clarke. Wait until she saw Ike walk in! She'll flip!

"And you two are in mad love?!" It was one of those tones that you say Awwwww... at the same time. I just nodded my head while she gave me a hug. We parted.

"So what about you and Jas?" I said taking a seat on the stool next to the island. Corde sat across from me.

"Well, we're going strong. I mean we've been going good for about a year and half now because of you." I smiled. When we were hanging out all through 8th grade the two of them flirted so bad! I had to get them together. So I planned a blind date for each of them. At first they felt like they were on a date with there sister or brother but then things heated up. Now they're a happy couple. The cordless phone rang on the island and I grabbed it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Ali? This is Bruce." I was quite surprised he called. Afterall he hadn't called me at home since well nevermind.

"I'm surprised, what's up?"

"Can we talk? Now? Person to Person?" The tone of voice he used alarmed me. I looked at my watch and saw it was still early.

"Umm...sure. I'll be at your place in a minute." I hung up the phone and sighed.

"Who was that?" Corde asked me suspiciously.

"That was someone from work. They screwed up my files and I have to run down to their house real quick." I got up and walked back into the living room where both guys were still standing talking. "I'll be right back." I said while slipping my jacket and shoes on. "I have to run a couple doors down. He works at the station with me and he lost some files. I'll be right back." Tay walked me to the door.

"Hurry back please. I can't wait to hold you." I smiled and gave him a small kiss. I ran across the lawn praying it wasn't something major. I ran as the snow fell down harder. I reached Bruce's house quick and didn't even have to knock.

"C'mon in." He said to me. I walked into his house. Everything was dark inside. Bruce closed the door behind me and turned on the light in the hall we were standing in.

"What is it?" I asked becoming impatient.

"This." Bruce said as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine.

Chapter 28

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