Chapter 33

Ali paced in the kitchen trying to think of some sort of plan for the night. 'I could sneek out through the basement windows. No one would hear me.' She thought. She peered outside and forgot about the snow fall. 'Scratch that.' As she continued to pace Taylor walked in. He stood in the doorway a while just watching her. She looked as if she was in deep thought and miles away. Her back was to him when he walked into the kitchen and snuck up behind her. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist and set his head on her shoulder. She sighed at first and they continued to stare outside at the scene. Ali still felt awkward now that Taylor knew HALF of the story between her and Richard, But she told herself it was only a matter of time. She turned toward Taylor while his arms stayed at her waist. Ali laid her head across his shoulder and breathed in the scent in his hair. She couldn't help but feel sad. How much she would hate to leave Taylor behind. Leave his touch, leave his warm feeling, leave the safety blanket he gave her, and leave her feelings towards him forever. She swallowed the buldge of emotion that had risen in her throat. Just then the phone rang causing both Tay and Ali to jump apart. They both laughed at the way they acted. Ali half not wanting to pick up the phone did.

"Hello?" She said into the reciever.

"Ali? This is Mrs. Hanson." Ali sighed in relief.

"Hi, Mrs. Hanson. What can I do for you?"

"Could I speak to Isaac please?"

"Sure, Let me get him." Ali covered the reciever. "Tell Ike that your guys's mom is on the phone." Taylor nodded his head and walked out of the swinging doors in the kitchen. Ali waited until Ike came and handed him the phone. Jason, Corde, and Tara all followed him and soon enough everyone was seated around the island either with two layers of clothing on or a blanket wrapped around themself.

"Hey Mom. What's up?" Isaac said into the phone. "Yeah, we got snowed in. . . . We are doing fine without power and heat . . . mom trust me, we even have portable heaters and microwaves for pete's sake. . . I figured . . . Monday, is fine . . . Okay . . . Love you to, Bye." Ike handed Ali back the phone. "Mom said our flight for tomorrow has already been canceled and they are going to try and reschedule us for the flight Monday night, depending on the weather." Taylor wrapped his arms around Ali's waist and placed tiny kisses around her neck, sending chills up her spine. Ali didn't realy care what Ike had just said. She was just happy in her own little world with Taylor.

"What do you guys think we should do now?" Corde said. She was seated in Jason's lap on one of the stool. Everyone sat in silence for a moment thinking of something to do.

"Let's jam." Isaac answered. Ali looked at him like he was brain dead.

"Earth to Ike. We have no power. Unless you just want to play drums, guiter, and the normal piano?" Ali looked from face to face as if to ask if they agreed. They all nodded and Corde jumped off Jason's lap.

"C'mon. Let's go!" She said leading the way. Everyone followed behind her down the stairs, to the music room, and to an instrument. Jason didn't play an instrument but he had a good voice for a guy. He sang the low back up parts for Wishful Thinking on their two independent CD's. Al grabbed one of my Acustic guitars as well as Ike, Tara popped some batteris in the electric keyboard so she and Tay could take turns, and Corde took a seat on the the drums while Jason took one of the eight microphones.

"What should we play?"

"Why don't we play . . . Stories?" Tara questioned. Cordelia didn't wait for an answer and sounded off the count.

"One . . . Two . . . One, Two, Three, Four!" Isaac and Ali opened with the usual Acustic and Taylor sang the song durring the verses. At the Chorus they all sang in perfect harmony. Taylor sang the verses and looked at Ali the whole time. Every time she'd smile and keep playing knowing that deep in Taylor's heart he was singing it to her. Jason jumped in with Taylor on the last two lines. Surprisingly, Jason sang above Tay and they cut off at the same time. They all clapped at the end. Afterall, it was the first time that the group of six had played together.

"You guys know Foot Loose?" Tara asked. The guys all looked at her with the expression 'DUH!' written on their faces. "Well Sorry." She looked over at Corde. "Count off."

"One, Two, Three, Four!"

~*~*~ About 2 hours Later ~*~*~

"C'mon, Gimme Some Lovin! Gimme Some Lovin Every Day!" Taylor sang out. Jason, Tara, and I all sat on the couch watching Ike, Taylor, and Corde (whom was taking Zac's place) play 'Gimme Some Lovin' originally written by the Spencer Davis Group. We were all just having a fun time goofing off and playing around all afternoon. We had already gone through 2 sets of batteries in the keyboards, too. I clapped along with the song until they played the final note. The exhausted Taylor stumbled over to me and held out his hand. I took it with a confused look. He wasn't really smiling but more over had a serious look on his face. Tay pulled me to my feet and out of the music room. He dragged me into the Guest room next door and closed the door behind me. I took a seat on the bed knowing that Tay wanted to talk. He took a seat on the desk chair in front of me.

"What's wrong?" I asked Tay. He wouldn't even look me in the eye let alone in the face.

"I need to ask you a question, Ali?" He asked while I could hear the others go back upstairs, out of the basment.

"Shoot." I said. Taylor still looked to the ground. It almost seemed as if he was to embrassed or ashamed to look at me at all.

"Is it only physical abuse, Ali? I need to kow if it is more that physical?"

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