Chapter 36

Taylor sat in silence as Ali left and went to talk to Ike. He couldn't focus on anything at the moment. His mind was running through all the facts in his head. He thought long and hard about how he was going to tell an adult about Ali's father. He had to tell someone and he thought that out of a couple people but Ali's Uncle Dan would be the best one to tell. Afterall, he knew his brother had a drinking problem and Dan seemed to care for Ali. Tay needed to tell someone that did care so the monster Ali has for a dad would go to jail. He also felt it would be easier to tell someone who he can trust. Taylor laid back down to relax and forget the problems for the night. He wanted to spend his time with Ali. Deep down inside he had a bad feeling something was going to happen but he thought it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Ali came back up a couple minutes later. She smiled as she slid under the covers and into Taylor's arms.

"Is something wrong?" Taylor questioned when Ali started to look a little bewildered.

"No, nothing at all." She said putting on her best act as she possibly could. It must have worked since Taylor just kissed her forehead and stared on in a daze. Isaac still hadn't come up from his talk with Ali which Taylor thought was utterly strange.

"I'll be back." Tara said climbing out of the bed and going down the stairs to tend to the Isaac whom was so very close to tears.


Tara sat down next to Isaac on the bay window seat. Ike was just silent, sitting staring at the wall infront of him. "Are you okay?" Tara asked him putting her arm around his shoulder. Ike broke from his trance and looked at her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked above a whisper.

"I couldn't. She swore me not to tell." Tara didn't want to have a fight with Ike over Ali's decisions. She couldn't change what was going to happen.

"I'm scared for her. And Taylor." Ike said close to breaking down. His eyes were becoming glassy and he looked away from Tara's face to hide the tear that was falling down his cheek.

"Me too, Ike. I don't know what I'll do without her let alone what Taylor will." A single tear spilled over Tara's eyes too.

"It's all for revenge. The man deserves to die, but Ali doesn't. She's so young and so innocent." Ike began to choke up as well as Tara. The two wrapped their arms around each other and cried into each others shoulders.


The phone began to ring as Ali got out of bed to get it. She walked into the kitchen and sat at a stool before actually picking up the phone.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Ali? It's Uncle Dan."

"Hi, what's up?" Ali questioned. Her Uncle Dan sounded overly concerned.

"Thank goodness your alright."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Her voice became a whisper so Taylor wouldn't hear.

"My house has been broken into and all my files reguarding Richard and the plan are gone." Ali's heart rose to her throat. Anyone could have broken into the house, but more than likely it was Richard. He'd known for a while the police were close. "Ali, listen to me. I need you to leave now. Richard will track you down. Just get out now." Ali was silent for a minute before agreeing. She hung up and ran down the stairs to where Ike and Tara were. Ali could tell they'd been crying but she didn't have time to fool around.

"I need you guys to leave." She said sternly. Isaac rose to his feet infront of her.

"What's going on?" He asked. She was silent for a moment.

"Richard is coming here and if you don't leave you'll be next."

"We aren't leaving without you." Tara answered back standing next to Isaac. Before Ali could retaliate the phone began to ring again. Ali picked up the phone on the table next to the bay window.


"No use saving your friends now. Your all going down. Just like your mother, Aleka!"

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