Now for perhaps a little insight..
The following was taken from180,000 baby names, nicknames & cybernames!
Take a read and see what you think :)

The name of Chris makes you very expressive and friendly with a natural love of life and your fellow man. It creates an enthusiastic and generous quality which lives on inspiration and ideals. Music, drama, or any of the arts are a focal point in your life. You are very self-expressive and enjoy opportunities to express your opinions and capabilities. Your compassionate nature causes you to be too generous and you often give more than you can afford to. This name causes you to lack system and order. You find it easier to do things when inspired or upon impulse. You find it difficult to be serious or assume responsibilities. A tendency to be too emotional, fun loving, carefree, and lax in self-discipline causes you to be over-indulgent. Your physical weaknesses would show as liver conditions, skin problems, and a sensitive nervous system.

Pretty cool isn't it? Check out this page and see what your name, or the name of someone else might mean.

As most of you know, Chris’ birthday is June 14, 1963, making him a Gemini. I know a lot of you probably at least READ your horoscope whether you believe what it says or not, I think we can all agree it’s kind of fun isn’t it? Seeing how far off, or sometimes, how CLOSE this can get to US. Now imagine taking this a step further, and analyzing someone’s personality based on their actual birthday. I looked mine up and was amazed to see myself pretty much nailed ;) So, I thought, "why not look up Chris’ birthday and see what it says?" What follows are exerpts taken from The Secret Language of Birthdays by Goldscheider and Elfers. Again, this is for ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. Read it and see what you think!

"JUNE FOURTEENTH: The Day of Gutsy Confrontation

The determined and intense people born on June 14 are very sharp in their observations and assessments of what goes on around them. They are usually strongly opinionated , loyal , and demonstrate great courage when fighting the good fight, the honorable battle. They are forceful and convincing when presenting their ideas and opinions, and because they understand human nature all too well, capable of mercilessly exposing hypocrisy and pretense."

"June 14 people are really tough, difficult to get around or smooth talk. Once they see the goal ahead of them, they go for it. Generally their loyalty extends first to their family, second to friends, and last to society. If attached to a leader or cause they can become a most articulate spokesperson. They make very bad enemies indeed, and one would be foolish to antagonize them for they know very well how to take revenge."

"June 14 people value freedom of movement, both mental and physical freedom. To be imprisoned , detained or even delayed is intolerable to them."


Those born on the 14th day of the month are ruled by the number 5 ( 1 + 4 = 5 ), and by the planet Mercury. The number 5, as well as the planet Mercury and the sign Gemini all stand for change, implying a disdain for plodding behavior and a propensity for impulsive action. June 14 people must learn to master impulsive urges, yet at the same time remain open to gradual (rather than sudden) change when it furthers their cause and that of those dependent on them. Fortunately, the number 5 bestows a resilient character which recovers quickly from the hard knocks of life."




Harriet Beecher Stowe , Steffi Graf , Boy George , Donald Trump"


"Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Ruler: Mercury
Symbol: Twins
Mode: Thought
Motto: I Communicate
Image (June 11-18): Seeker

Stones and uses:
Citrine: lends sunniness to communication
Amber: grounds high-flying imagination
Tourmaline: helps concentration

Yellow, light green"

Pretty cool isn’t it? I highly recommend this book. I spent HOURS reading about people I know and their birthdays. It’s very enlightening.
