Lay it on the Line


Here you will find my thoughts on certain matters. I guess you could call this an Editoral page perhaps?
Before I start, I will say that as I am no longer affiliated with the Queensryche Fan Club, I will try to keep that topic to a bare minimum.
That said, my first order of business will be this blaming and attacking of Chris I have seen and heard. According to Michael, they have "Put the cool back into Queensryche." Oh, really Michael? If that is the case, when precisely DID the "cool" leave Queensryche? I'd REALLY love to know. I also heard from several sources who attended Seattle 98 that Scott was quoted as saying it was good that Chris left. Really now Scott? Maybe it is for all involved, maybe not so for Queensryche... time will tell won't it? (please forgive me, I can't recall his exact words, but the three people that told me this do not know each other, and their accounts matched precisely)
Next up, I was shocked at what I saw on line after Chris' departure was announced, and it continued until recently. People who before Chris left, would NEVER have dreamed of saying what they said. Are fans really that fair weather I ask? And blaming him for Hear in the Now Frontier? Yes, he was a major contributor on this album (as he was on all the others), but why this blame? I can see it now...Chris holding a gun to the other 4's heads saying "You'll make this album EXACTLY MY way or I'll blow your brains all over this studio!!!" I am sure you, dear reader, can see this image too.
And when the news went up on Shag's Screaming in Digital about Chris possibly engaging the Ryche for his share of the copyrights on the songs he wrote or co-wrote, well, what I saw others saying saddened me. As I said in my letter to SiD, I would not have been surprised to see Chris being accused of assaulting fans on his recent stint with Jerry Cantrell.
There's a word for what we've seen here folks, and it's called Scapegoating. Sad but true.
Before I go, I'd like to leave you with this: Why do some people feel like they HAVE to choose sides? Where does it say that you cannot be a fan of Chris and Queensryche at the same time?

If you have any thoughts or flames, send 'em on!

Ok, I think this about sums up what I want to say for today. Please check back as I am sure I'll have more thoughts soon.
