Welcome to the All-Out Guestbook!

sh - 08/05/00 12:15:27
My URL:http://route168.com/go

You have a great site!

Katrinas' sister danielle - 06/18/00 05:17:51
What did you like best about the page?: everything
What do we need to work on?: nothing
Who's your favorite hockey player?: ????????????
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Bardot

i loved your website my sister adores marty

Nardia - 06/17/00 05:45:35
What did you like best about the page?: The back street boys,
What do we need to work on?: bsb's photos
Who's your favorite hockey player?: me
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Bardot, N'Sync, Britney Spears, and me

i locncbefuhdfieshruixghrdtjdgioirtugfcoitjofjdcghlgfkhog;khogft;lh fdlgfjl;gfjfxgkl;fjdglkfjc, Im the bestest in the world,I think so anyway!!!! thanks from NardiaBardiaFardia...............

George & Martha - 06/17/00 05:41:31
What did you like best about the page?: the music!!!& Teen Angel page
What do we need to work on?: the rest
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Hockey roos
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Bardot

george and martha are two big hippos, we like to bake in the sun and cook meals for each other, do you watch us on telly we also roll in mud!!! you should add us to your page, Thanks George!@#$%^&*() & martha!@#$%^&*()

Katrina - 04/07/00 10:45:21
What did you like best about the page?: Teen Angel
What do we need to work on?: Nothing
Who's your favorite hockey player?: I play but don't watch!
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: No-body but Marty

I love Marty off Teen Angel he is so sweet. Your website is awesome, especially the music, Seeya soon, Kat P.s Kat 4 Marty!

Katrina - 04/07/00 10:36:05
What did you like best about the page?: Teen Angel
What do we need to work on?: Teen Angel
Who's your favorite hockey player?: ???????
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Teen Angel

Mike, Mike, Mike, Marty, Marty, Marty!!!!! I love Marty he is so hot more piccis please!!!!!!

Shinji - 02/19/00 01:36:57
My Email:shinji_chen@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: i dunno the first thing i did is to sign the guest book
What do we need to work on?: ...
Who's your favorite hockey player?: for cryin out loud! a Backstreet boys lover ilke you ask us about hockey???
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: ...

hi! still playin final fantasy 8?

Kate N. - 01/10/00 12:56:24
My Email:ifc@parks.lv
What did you like best about the page?: TakeThat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do we need to work on?: To take more photoes.
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Robbie Williams

Your page would be better if there would be a lot of photoes!

one of the two ppl who work on this page - 11/14/99 02:44:13
My URL:http://this_is_it.com
My Email:marty_ag@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: EVERYTHING!
What do we need to work on?: NOTHING AT ALL!
Who's your favorite hockey player?: What? hockey player? umm....
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: him...

Hey ppl I know that ppl who work on the page shouldn't really sign their own guest book so it leaves only one person who would do something so incredibly crazy! :) Anyways...person with all the chinese...try saying something that we'll understand! it is a book were we can read about what ppl thinks about our page! And...to Mr. Special agent...:) I know it was a long time since I came here to check things out... but u see... HOW COULD U NOT TELL ME ABOUT UR TRIP TO WASHINGTON?! or did I already give u a lec ure about it? oh well...:) that's it! :) thanks for visiting ppl! :)

krystal lord - 11/09/99 01:36:52
My Email:www.kristy_lord@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: the little cute characters
What do we need to work on?: music
Who's your favorite hockey player?: p.f
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: sara michelle geller

Hi there shirly nice site keep up the good work and please go on ICQ!!

kristy - 11/03/99 02:27:22
My Email:none yet
What did you like best about the page?: the cute characters
What do we need to work on?: more things to do
Who's your favorite hockey player?: peter forsberg

hey there shirly just wanted to see you web page its real nice here is my icq 51693373! BYE

¬°¤°»ò§A¥Í§Úªº®ð¡H - 09/27/99 03:24:21
My URL:I don't have one...
My Email:You don't have to know...
What did you like best about the page?: I'll tell you later...
What do we need to work on?: C O L O U R ! ! ! I HATE YELLOW!
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Nope...
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Don't ask me...

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What Is My Age Again? - 09/27/99 03:08:37
My URL:http://www.Oops.com.
My Email:...you know that already...
What did you like best about the page?: nothin...
What do we need to work on?: everything...
Who's your favorite hockey player?: I don't watch Hockey!
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: nothin...

... What is my age again?

Jason Sayers - 08/02/99 11:15:56
My Email:southern_belle@mindspring.com
What did you like best about the page?: its cool
What do we need to work on?: nothing
Who's your favorite hockey player?: i dunno
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: i dunno


Cassie - 07/26/99 04:55:15
My Email:fuzzypeach13@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: All of Yvonne's Pages
What do we need to work on?: Nothing! This is a great page
Who's your favorite hockey player?: uh markus ohlund? no Mattias Ohlund! hehe :)
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Ricky Martin

Hey sup cuzzie, i finaly checked out your apge. sorry for taking so long. hehe don't hurt me...hah you couldn't anyway with those sucky martial arts skills. We should have a judo match sometime...street fighter and a real one. Anyway I don't wanna talk 2 ong, u know how much I like to 'lecture'. hehe well ttys luvz...**MUAH** ~~Peaches

Bryan Chatzispiros - 07/20/99 15:42:20
My URL:http://www.goplay.com/angelover/
My Email:byranchatz@yahoo.com
What did you like best about the page?: Everything
What do we need to work on?: I think u need 2 put a shouts out page!
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Joe Sakic
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Jennifer Lopez

What an awsome page, u must have worked on this for like hours and hours. So how much did u pay to get a page like this?!?!

106 EVA - 07/16/99 00:29:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/id/EVA/index.html
My Email:wangw@home.com
What did you like best about the page?: Animations! Graphics! Colour! Pictures!
What do we need to work on?: More animations, colour, pictures, and graphics to annoy Darryn!
Who's your favorite hockey player?: I have none...
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: More of your friends, less of other people!

I'm so suprised yet disgraced that you forgot about little old me. I have been your classmate for 3-4 years now. If you can remember Klee, you should be able to remember me. Great page and keep up the great work!

Iain Murray - 07/08/99 08:56:01
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/hollywood/studio/6992
My Email:iain_77@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: Yvonne! :)
What do we need to work on?: hmmm backgrounds
Who's your favorite hockey player?: oh crap! too many...Brendan Shanahan!
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: ME! hahhahaha if only.... gee uhh Yvonne! put your pic on here! let the world see how gorgeous you are! :)

hey cutie, I am just bored after work... and I wanted to visit your page, and now i have time! :) it's cool babe! like you! hehe... well I have 3 days off now... AHHHHHHHHH relaxation! :) playing sports! HEEHEE!!! well Have a great week it's summer! We gr duated! We kick ass!!! :):):) Later Juliet! hehehe :) Your White Rock Romeo boy! hahaha just trying to be funny, not trying to embarass you! =o) well... maybe :)

Brian (aka Weirdo513) - 07/04/99 07:12:56
My URL:http://welcome.to/briansworld
My Email:bhaberer@evansville.net
What did you like best about the page?: hmmm the part about Yvonne I guess ;)
What do we need to work on?: stuff :)
Who's your favorite hockey player?: uhhhh.... hmmm.... I'm not into that much sports
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Robin Williams

I had fun visiting your page yvonne and Shirly.... keep up the good work and have fun doing it, i gots to go now... i'll catch you later!

jason - 06/29/99 04:54:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/vienna/5145/
My Email:corpu8s5@intergate.bc.ca
What did you like best about the page?: cool graphix and animations
What do we need to work on?: nth...it's fine!
Who's your favorite hockey player?: n/a
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Sarah Mclachlan

Nice homepage...better than what I could do.. hope to see more stuff next time i vizzit...bye for now...!

Yvonne - 06/22/99 22:03:45
My Email:jadedragon99@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: Everything! It looks sooo good now. Sher, gimme 5!
What do we need to work on?: Hmm..how about my new page? Teen to Teen?
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Mattias Ohlund all da way baby!
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: We never did add BuFFy did we?

YeAh WoohOO, I ReaLLy much liKe ThiS HP beTTa That AA. DOn't u aLL aGree? But It tOOk uS a YeaR jusT to geT oVeR 1000 hiTz. Ah WeLL, Sher U diD a SMaShiNg JoB! A Big huG and a KiSS! HeHe weLL I'm Out 4 Now. WorD to YouR BroTHer! (For WriTinG aLL tHat StUff oN my AnnUaL

secret agent 003 - 06/21/99 23:41:01
My URL:http://www.thispagekicks@ss.com
My Email:fbiagent14321@federal.gov.org
What did you like best about the page?: I like everything, ( but keep working on it! )
What do we need to work on?: Pictures of Yvonne and Shirley!
Who's your favorite hockey player?: I only know one... Mattias Ohlund
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: ALEX TO! (I finally got the CD!)

Hey, Yvonne, shouting from Washington, I know... crazy huh? I went to my father's friend place... and he got a computer... I asked if I can use it... he say go right ahead... but... I don't have much time... I tried downloading ICQ... (this dude doesn't h ve ICQ... lame old duck... haha) I sign on... and suddenly... the computer froze! I felt bad... anyway... I restart the computer.... I don't want to cause any more trouble... I remember. ANYWAY... I finally got the cd... it come with a complete package! 2 rings... one game... starring Alex To I believe... the package is just awesome! Anyway... I have to leave some space for my Shirley... Hey, how are you previous... I mean precious! haha... finish you essay? let me read it when I get back... I know I didn't tell you... but I'm up in washington... luckily this computer is still working... oh well... I really have to go now... dad is gettin mad... "Even in Washington you still mess with Computer!" ha! crazy... Anyway... great homepage... I was really surprise! see you later! adios... I'll be back maybe the day after tomorrow... everything is settle here... we came just to work on the fir t day... well... I don't have to work anymore... just need to train these people... We're going back to the restaurant... see you alter! adios bye!

Bryan Chatz - 05/26/99 05:00:24
My Email:bryanchatz@yahoo.com
What did you like best about the page?: everything
What do we need to work on?: nothing
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Joe Sakic
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Jennifer Love Hewwit

This is one kick ass page good job!!!!!!!!!!

Tom Ato - 04/12/99 00:18:53
My Email:tomAto@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: GIRLS ZONE
What do we need to work on?: nothing
Who's your favorite hockey player?: none
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: sarah michelle gellar


Vanilla aka Jessie - 04/04/99 04:15:22
My Email:reminisc@intergate.bc.ca
What did you like best about the page?: the music wuz awesome!
What do we need to work on?: nothin'


Super Klee - 03/28/99 06:50:43
What did you like best about the page?: My name is on it
What do we need to work on?: Say go to my page more Shirl!
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Let's see, Recchi is traded, so I'll go with Yzerman, Niewendyk, and Koivu
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Me! duh?

great page, everyone VISIT THE LINKS!!!!

D'Artagnan Chevalier - 02/16/99 01:00:07
My URL:http://ironmask.com
My Email:dartagnan1607@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: The Guest book (I didn't even go trough the whole page)
What do we need to work on?: I dunno
Who's your favorite hockey player?: I dunno any
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: I dunno

Shirley, You just to me to view and sign the guestbook,and that's I did.

Darryn Kar - 02/12/99 03:15:50
My Email:none
What did you like best about the page?: none
What do we need to work on?: less Graphics, too slow
Who's your favorite hockey player?: none
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Dont know


Kyle - 01/30/99 01:03:27
What did you like best about the page?: My ICq Name is on it
What do we need to work on?: More hot girls
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Mark Recchi, I am a Habs fan And I know More Hockey than all you losers reading this now
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Jennifer Lover Hewitt!

uh uh

Dum Dum - 01/24/99 09:01:03
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/field/7847
My Email:moomin_family@yahoo.com
What did you like best about the page?: NOTHING~~~haha~
What do we need to work on?: all of the stuff that realated to nick carter~~~haha
Who's your favorite hockey player?: NOBody~
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: oh...um..well....um........DUNNNO????DUh~~

shirley..... your homepage sucks....hahah~~ my homepage is way way way super better.... yeah...to whoever knows Shirley.. beware.....hehehe..is is just a " ma fan" person...haha~~~un not un ??? ok.....whatever ...dunno what da say....... "si dan la"............saynora.......... fat ass shirley~

Pinky - 01/23/99 19:54:01
My Email:pinky@pinky.com
What did you like best about the page?: BSB! BSB! BSB!
What do we need to work on?: hum...maybe some music....
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Matty Ohlund?
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: ???

Great Job Shirley and Yvonne!:) You 2 worked very hard on it! Oh well, good luck in adding more stuff!:)

the max - 01/23/99 07:03:44
What did you like best about the page?: ummmm...thinking in process......everything?...except for...thinking in process...
What do we need to work on?: backgrounds?
Who's your favorite hockey player?: pavel lindon? no, wait...uh...

Greetings Shirley! Pretty impressive homepage. Especially the part about bsb. no wonder...hehehe...oh yah...try working on the "music" in between pages...so-long, good-luck with nick carter!

shalo - 01/23/99 04:51:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/kRaZyLiTtLeMe
My Email:shalo4you@hotmail.com, spacy17@chickmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: everything
What do we need to work on?: nothing
Who's your favorite hockey player?: i dont have one
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: matchbox20 {sandy said}

I loved your page. its really interesting > i wish i could spend more time>

DaRkAnGeL - 01/05/99 14:23:09
My URL:http://www.alisa.ru
My Email:nikolaiche@mtu-net.ru
What do we need to work on?: Background & Pictures
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Alexander Fetisov
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: none

It's always nice to see this page again & again, but you defenetly should work on it, maybe add something about yourself... Anyway it's a great job you've done, keep it going, Yvonne! Best Regards, Nikolai

"Norden" - 12/21/98 19:42:50
My Email:r-_five_1300cc@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: EVERYTHING!!!!
What do we need to work on?: Have to think about that one....
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Esa Keskinen

Its a really well-done page...like it! Eeehh....well it´s really good.....Fem-stjärnig!

- 12/06/98 23:53:12


Nickie - 12/06/98 23:52:07
My Email:nickforever38@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: Backstreet Boys of course

i don't really know what ta say!!!!! c told me ta sign in here so i guess I do it!!!!! email me back though!!!!!! hehe!!!!!!! PS I love Nick Carter Nickie

Odium Excidium Metus - 11/22/98 18:12:09
My Email:j0y_ride@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: Nuthing
What do we need to work on?: Pics of Hell
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Horned Demons
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Magma Demons

Send me an E-mail on your upcomming future plans and I will crush them... Oh by the way, nice page and who the hell is your partner??? Some funny name. Anyways, give my regards to the Demons of hell. Thanks. Sincerly, Imp of Hell, Imp of the dead, De on of hell, Demon of evil, Nightmare eater, Demonic creature, Demonic knight, Demonic advocate, Anti-Christ, Satan, Daiman, God killer, corrupted Jesus, the dark one, the evil one, the magma demons, the horned demons, the Maelstrom, the Tempest, and finna ly, Joy (Our Evil Queen of Darkness...)

!!!Pluto®!!! - 10/13/98 01:07:38
My Email:scoobee_dog@hotmail.com
Who's your favorite hockey player?: The Magnificient One
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Doraemon

Good Work........Shirley and Yvonne........considering u r the biggest backstreet fans on the face of the Earth.......do u agree with me???? hehehe.....well i have nothing to write now......sayonara>!

10/11/98 12:12:12
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Marc Tan - 09/22/98 21:13:52
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~kimctan
My Email:
What did you like best about the page?: Yvonne and Shirley
What do we need to work on?: hmm, pictures
Who's your favorite hockey player?: uhh,Like Michael Jordan?
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: NSYNC? FIVE? ALL SAINTS?

Your page look very nice!!

emily - 09/20/98 21:47:14
My Email:emily__shih@Hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: overall
What do we need to work on?: too confusing
Who's your favorite hockey player?: i hate all of em'
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: none

fabulouse work! I know you guys worked hard!

Kevin C. - 09/20/98 20:40:26
My URL:http://home.netvigator.com/~bady
My Email:c_kevin@hotmail.com

A must go homepage if you are BSB's fans

Michelle - 09/18/98 23:47:59
My Email:fake@fake.com
What did you like best about the page?: da things in it
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Peter Forsberg!!

Hi, Shirley!! You and your friend are doing a great job on your 'site. I'll bring you those Canuck pics as soon as I get to you.

DarkAngel - 09/16/98 14:12:12
My Email:darkangel756@mailcity.com
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Alexander Fetisov (Russian)
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Scooter

It's a very nice page Yvonne.

daniel bergman - 09/11/98 22:52:48
My URL:http://come.to/appleofsodom
My Email:xiqed@yahoo.com
What did you like best about the page?: i dont know
What do we need to work on?: the layup..mabee some frames and some more pictures
Who's your favorite hockey player?: i hate hockey
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Mar1lyn Man5on

nice page..... if u like manson check my page....

Moussee Moo - 09/11/98 02:50:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/bay/5576
My Email:mousseemoo@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: The 'Where It's At' Part
What do we need to work on?: U guys should download backgrounds of BSB or Canucks.. Oh yeah, I know where....
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Don't Have One Cuz I Don't Even Like Hockey. Sorry!
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Well, I don't know... but sb put Chow Yun Fat and that's pretty funny!! So, r u gonna put him?? Well, u can put that he's married for many many yrs....

Well, hi! I'm Yvonne's buddy... and I helped w/ some stuff, not the info, though cuz I'm not familiar w/ those stuff, u know.... Hey, Yvonne, how come u'r not the first one to sign?? Oh well! Lucky I didn't sign the other day.. If I did, then everything w uld be deleted and my comments won't be here anymore... Hey, I am going to talk forever and ever and beat everyone else's comment.. This is gonna be the longest one u guys have ever seen and u will take, like, an hr to read this comment.. Well, I can't sa this is actually a comment cuz I didn't really comment on any stuff. Right?? Now, I sound like Mr. Chatterbox. Talking and talking forever... :þ------ I guess u need to give me that magic hat to cover my head.. Then, I will shut up forever and u won't he r my wonderful, sweet, .................. many many adj..... voice ever and ever again... Hey, how come I'm still typing?? I don't know why.. Now, the time is 7:50 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 10, 1998. I guess I better stop right here or else u'r gonna erase ev rything and all my effort will be wasted..Is this long enough? Hope I didn't waste too much space.... Oh well, I can't do anything right now... So, there! Done!!! Oh, and add some music, too..... Find some midi files. I'm sure there r many midi files on B B or TT (I've never heard of this group) or whatever group u guys like. OK, OK, I'm stopping now.... Bye!

Justin Schwarz - 09/10/98 04:07:23
My Email:javier_6@hotmail
What did you like best about the page?: done by real ppl
What do we need to work on?: colors
Who's your favorite hockey player?: don't have one


Hellkite - 09/07/98 21:49:47


Sean Muller - 09/07/98 15:24:54
My Email:browsethetrash@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: the wohle lot
What do we need to work on?: need a pic

really great but you need a pic in there

Jeff Lawson - 09/07/98 01:04:12
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Woods/1636
My Email:sherlock2@hotmail.com
What did you like best about the page?: ummm *shrug*
What do we need to work on?: colors and backgrounds I guess :)
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Alexei Kovalev
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: I don't really care, Phil keaggy maybe?!?

lets see here... comments?!? well it's a neat page and deserves a thumbs up! :)

M - 09/06/98 21:13:19
My Email:cook@psxrocks.com
What did you like best about the page?: colour
What do we need to work on?: pics
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Mike Rithie

Good page, but could be better, so just keep on working. Looking for some cool backgrounds mm mm just give me a mail

Tom - 09/05/98 19:31:39
My Email:yiehyung@hotmail
What did you like best about the page?: pics(if there is any)^_^
What do we need to work on?: need nice Background and pics^_^
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Paul Kariya
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Sarah Michelle Gellar

hey hey...it me Tom!!! not a bad HP for a beginner...i liked it it wouldve been better if u put pics and stuff like that ^_^ Keep up the good work and ill come by and check.....hope to C some improvement ^_^

Q-ball - 09/05/98 19:23:12
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~qball25
My Email:qball@pool-sharks.com
What did you like best about the page?: I love the Colours :)
What do we need to work on?: Umm.. background?
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Alexei :)
What celerbrity should we add to our page?: Chow Yun Fat :)

Great page.... too bad it's about backstreet boys :)

OhlundsGrrl - 09/05/98 01:54:59
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Frontrow/4232/
My Email:marty_ag@hotmail.com
What did u like best?: The don't-worry-it'll-be-there-soon Canucks page
What do we need to work on?: Better background, don't you think?
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Give it a wild guess!
What celerbrity should we add?: Buffy!!

Shirley, how could you erase me??????? Grrr! It's all your fault you erased the guestbook in the first place! I was gonna be first! I'm not giving you any chupa chups or burgers!

Nick's Gal - 09/05/98 01:46:55
My Email:silver_rocks@hotmail.com
What did u like best?: Everything
What do we need to work on?: Nothing
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Every Canuck
What celerbrity should we add?: Someone

Ha I beat u Yvonne!Just testing!

*Topanga* - 09/03/98 17:42:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/kRaZyLiTtLeMe
My Email:sandyhull@hotmail.com
What do we need to work on?: Gettin' more colors, an' graphics! :)
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Uhmm, yeah...dunno.

It's cool Yvonne, keep workin' on it!

DarkAngel - 09/03/98 17:27:54
My Email:darkangel756@mailcity.com


Nick Lova - 09/03/98 16:32:06
My Email:silver_rocks@hotmail.com
What did u like best?: Everything
What do we need to work on?: Nothing
Who's your favorite hockey player?: Every Canuck
What celerbrity should we add?: Someone

Just testing!And Yvonne I made it b4 u did!ha ha!

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