Chapter 40: Tay and Kel?

August walked confidently down the driveway. There were about 10 girls at the end of the driveway, and their attention was on her, and their eyes were growing larger. She walked towards them, contemplating what to say. They watched her every move.

"Hi." she said, and stopped in front of the group.

The girls stared. August sighed and walked past them. If she wasn't going to get a response, then she wasn't going to waste her time there. She glanced down the street, making sure there were no cars, and stepped into the street. She started walking, when a voice came from behind her.

Taylor stood still for a few seconds.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked the figure that was sitting on a rock.

She turned around, startled. It was Kelley. A sly grin grew on her face.

"Hello Taylor." she grinned.
"What are you doing here?"
"Nice to see you too." she huffed.
"Its not good to see you Kelley. I don't enjoy seeing you."

Her eyes went to slits.

"How dare you...."
"How dare I what Kelley? Tell the truth?"

She sucked in a sharp breath.

"I don't know what you're talking about Taylor."

Taylor laughed a harsh laugh.

"Yea Kelley. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You cheated on me Kelley. I have every right to dislike you, an dI use those rights."
"Oh get over it Taylor! That was so last year! I didn't cheat on you for that long!"

Taylor's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Not that long Kelley!? We went out for 8 months, and I was informed that you cheated on me for 7 of those months!"

He felt like screaming. She rolled her eyes at him and walked towards him. She quickly glanced up to a nearby tree, where Kristi was hiding with a camera. She put her arms around Taylor's neck. He grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms off himself. Shaking her head, she got her hands out of his grasp and grabbed his neck. She kissed him. He tried to get away, but he wasn't quick enough. Her lips were locked to his. He put his hands on her face to pull it away from his own. His eyes bulged when he saw a flash go off. Kelley pulled away and smiled. Kristi jumped off the branch she was sitting on and walked over with a satisfied smile. Taylor glanced back and forth between them.

"What are you trying to do?!" he demanded.

The girls looked to each other and laughed.

"Oh, nothing baby. You'll see. You'll see." smirked Kelley.

Taylor glared at both girls before walking past them and on down the path. Once he was gone, Kelley turned to Kristi.

"Well Kris, I think we need to get these pictures developed so we can show August dearest."

Kristi nodded, and the girls walked onto another path and out of the woods.


"Wait." called a voice.

August turned around. A girl who looked about 13 had spoken.

"You're August, right?" asked the girl.

August slowly nodded. All of the girls looked to each other. They all glared at her. August shuddered.

"What are you doing here August? You and Taylor aren't going out anymore." stated the girl, a snotty tone growing in her voice.

August glared at the girl. She walked to the group.

"Look. I don't know why you're here, and frankly, I don't care, thats your business. But why do you waste your time standing out in front of their house? They aren't going to come out. And how dare you get into MY business. I'm not the famous musician, and they sure as hell wouldn't appreciate what you've just said to me. Trust me on that."

She stormed off, heading for the park. She reached it after about 2 minutes of brisk walking. Making sure no one saw her, August ducked under some branches to the bank of the lake. She looked around. Taylor wasn't there yet. She leaned up against a tree and waited.


Taylor walked as fast as he could. The path was almost done, and he could see the glimmer of the lake. As he approached the opening, he looked around. He spotted August leaning up against a tree, waiting. He took a deep breath and stepped out of the path. He walked over and sat down next to her. They sat there for a long time. She watched him, then turned her eyes to the ground when he looked back at her.


She didn't look up. He reached over and lifted her chin with his hand. Their eyes locked. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. Once she was standing, he stood in front of her and looked into her eyes. He held her hand in his.

"I am so so so so so sorry. You don't even know how many times I want to say I'm sorry. I love you more than you can imagine, and I would never do anything to hurt you. I let my ego get to big, and were right." he put his head down and took a deep breath.

August sighed and brought her hand to her side. She was still mad inside. She knew that this would take awhile to get over. Right now, she was mad at Taylor for trying to get her to forget about it. She wasn't going to give in. Not this quickly, not this easily.

"How dare you...." she whispered. "How dare you..."

Taylor looked up, a confused look on his face. Taking a deep breath, she left, without another word. A stunned Taylor watched her walk away. He watched as she walked to a bench towards the middle of the park and sat down. She sat there and stared for awhile. After five minutes had gone by, someone joined August on the bench. Taylor was too far away to tell who it was. It was a girl, he could see that.


August sat on the bench for a good 5 minutes. She needed to sort out her thoughts and feelings, without Taylor around. She sat on the bench, elbows on her knees, staring at the ground. Once she had sat there for awhile, she felt someone sit next to her. She glanced up. It was Kel. She sighed.

"Hey Auggie!" smiled Kel.

August looked at her.

"August." she replied dryly.

Kel seemed not to notice. She opened her purse and pulled out some pictures. She handed them to August. Confused, August took the pictures. She looked through them. She stopped when she came to the picture of Kel and Taylor kissing. She glared at Kel, who had a smug look on her face. August grabbed the picture and took a better look at it. Sure enough, it was Taylor. And the picture was dated for that day. August's eyes watered. Glaring at Kel one last time, August ran off crying, picture in hand. She ran through the park as fast as she could. She found another bench and sat down. Head in hands, she sobbed. Her shoulders shook, and she couldn't stop crying. She sat and cried and watched people walk by. A few people stopped to ask if she was alright, but most gave her funny looks. She sniffed and put her head down. As she did, her pager went off. She glanced at her watch. It was almost 2. She checked the number. Sure enough, it was Lindsay. August stood up, wiped her eyes, and went in search of a pay phone. She spotted one. She walked over to it and started searching for a quarter. She couldn't find one. She looked around. A girl was now standing behind her waiting patiently for the phone. She smiled apologetically and turned to the phone. Taking a deep breath, she dialed the collect number. She sat and listened to the operator.

"Please state your name." said the operator.

August put the phone to her mouth.

"Thank you." said the operator.

The number was dialed, and August prayed that Lindsay would accept the collect call. To August's delight, she did accept.

"Hi Linz."
"Where are you?"
"A pay phone."

Lindsay was silent. August guessed that she was trying to figure out when her friend was at a pay phone.

"Why are you at a pay phone? I thought you were at Taylor's house." Lindsay asked, confused.

August sighed.

"I was at Taylor's house. He brought me to the park, and he gave me this really sweet apology, that I don't know whether or not I should believe. I left him standing there. I went to another bench to think. Thats when Kel showed up...."
"Oh god. Whats she trying to do now?"
"She......she had a.....picture....of....of.......her....and Tay.....kissing." August bit her lip to keep from crying again.

Lindsay drew in a sharp breath.

"Maybe its an old picture?" she suggested.
"I wish it were...."
"What do you mean?"

She sighed.

" was dated for today......."

Lindsay gasped.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"
"Don't be. I know theres something fishy, but I'm not sure what."
"Anyways, I probably should go. There a girl behind me waiting for the phone." August glanced to the girl, who was still waiting patiently.
"Ok. Well, call me when you can? Ok? We're going to figure this out."
"Ok. Bye Linz."
"Bye Aug."

August hung up the phone and turned to the girl.

"Sorry about that!" she apologized.

The girl shook her head.

"Don't worry about it." she smiled.

August nodded. She looked around. She noticed a figure walking her way. The person was looking around, obviously searching for something. August squinted her eyes. It was Taylor. She gasped and turned. She glanced back. He hadn't seen her. She started walking briskly out of the park. Making sure he didn't see her, she sprinted down the street, and stopped at the end of the driveway. She looked at the house, and, after about a minute, walked towards it. All of the sudden, she changed her mind. She turnned on her heal and ran to her house. She unlocked the front door, and made sure no one was there. To her relief, her parents were still with the Hansons.

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