Rebel Amish Radio

Embracing The Success

An era ends and a new journey begins. "Embracing the Struggle"...what really is the struggle anyway? Well, if you were at Daytona's tonight, January 22, 2000 to witness history being created, you would know that "The Struggle" is a term synonymous with "Success"! Not only had Rebel Amish Radio embraced the struggle, tonight they just happen to embrace a major record deal! The sports announcer yells, "THEY COULD GO ALL THE WAY!" Everything is moving ahead for this foursome and not to boast too much here...yea, I knew they would make it from the first time I saw them perform. Call it a six sense, which by the way was an awesome it it what you will but I just know these things. Take a step back and you can see it all unfold before your eyes, just like you're watching a movie of your life on the big screen.

Tonight's show started with Leer, then Live Alien Broadcast. Both bands rocked but it wasn't until Rebel Amish Radio came onto the stage that the speakers exploded with such nonstop power sounds...figuratively speaking of course, the speakers didn't really explode. I think tonight's show was one of their best performances I've seen and believe me, I've been to plenty of their shows to know the difference! They really gave those label reps all they had and I think it was more than enough to show that Rebel Amish Radio have a fresh and hard sound that will truly be a pivotal point in rock music...a trend setter if you will. I don't know of any other band out there that has RAR's blend of male and female vocals with the heavy guitars and intense drums. It is such a versatile approach because with male and female vocals, they can explore all ranges of lyrics and intensity of sounds. How can anyone not love this band? Not only are they super nice, they are extremely talented. This world needs to hear their music and I'm glad that finally someone is giving them a chance to grace us all with their unique sounds.

I write with truth because I believe with my heart. I'm glad I got the chance to know them a little. They say that each person who crosses your path will change you in some way. The people we meet are those who shape our lives...our personalities...our destiny. Thanks for enriching my life so.

Visualize with me, the four journeys off into the sunset...heading to a new experience...arriving at the destination to where their wishes will finally come true. I am reminded of something Deanna had said to me a few weeks back, "I feel like I was put here to entertain, to play music. I want to travel the world and see how others live...." Follow your heart and it will never lead you astray. Follow your heart and it will take you to your destiny. Congratulations to Rebel Amish Radio. I wish you all the success in the world and may your new journey lead you to all your dreams fulfilled. Hey George...did you really mean it when you said that I could go on tour with you guys and write about it on my website? of luck with everything!!

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