Instrument: Guitar/Backing Vocals
Birthplace: Tulsa, OK
Height: 5'9"
Towns Lived In: Sand Springs, OK
Schooling: Sand Springs Schools (K-12)
Ambitions: Play on a stage in front of thousands of devoted fans
Turn-Ons: Whips, chains, ducks, and nuns.
Turnoffs: Teeth
Underwear: Silk Boxers
When I get stressed out I: listen to Dark Side of the Moon
My best feature is my: sarcasm(?)
The most embarassing thing I ever did was: Played the guitar for a 
      bunch of chicks with my fly down
How to get my attention: Say my name
Musical influences: John Fuciante (?), Wes Borland, Tom Morello 
Favorite Actor/Actress: Samuel L. Jackson and Adam Sandler
Favorite Movie(s): Pulp Fiction, Braveheart, Happy Gilmore 
Favorite Band(s): Limp Bizkit, Sublime, Pink Floyd, Chili Peppers
Favorite Quote:  "One good thing about music:  when it hits you, you
                                feel no pain." ~ Bob Marley 
hardcore rockin' out, 
Derek's Pics