you are visitor #


since January, 1999


welcome to...

last update:
October 2001


hi! welcome to my site. it has been more than 2 years since this site was created. since then,
a lot of songs have already come and gone and more than 15,000 people have
already come to visit. i would like to thank all those who have taken the time to send me
their views and opinions. i truly appreciate them and i will try to further improve the site as
i go along. also, i would like to ask all those with requests to be patient. your songs will come
soon so do come back often.


MOVIE themes
TV themes


to the old timers, don't worry. the pages are pretty much the same except for some additional
pages that i am sure you, too, will enjoy.

the OPM page is still here and i try to add new songs as often as i can. to those who are not
familiar with the music, please try them out. they're quite good.


mabuhay ang musikang Pilipino!!!


VIEW the guestbook
SIGN the guestbook

ALL of the MIDI sequences here are from the internet. i am placing them on this site with the knowledge that files on the internet are open to the public and are free of any copyright
restrictions. should you own the copyright to any of the songs featured here, please write me
and i will remove the song/s immediately.


for requests:


Also, if you are planning to download the songs and to put them into your websites, please
make sure that you take note of this site and the the names or e-mail addresses of the people
who sequenced the songs
. they need and deserve to be acknowledged! we will not have
anything to listen to if not for them. also, do not link directly to this site. write me if you
are having problems...























strawberry shortcake


If you have some midi tunes and want to share it with others please e-mail them to me and
i will try to add them to my site. OPM songs are more than welcome. Please write too if you
have any requests, comments and/or suggestions.

If you want to be informed everytime the site is updated, please write me a note and i will
add your address to the mailing list.

please bookmark my site and don't forget to sign the guestbook...


thank you! ... maraming salamat!



Please sign my guestbook!!!
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This site is owned and maintained by strawberry shortcake : )