hey all!

well . . . i'm really sorry to say that i'm taking this site down :( there are a lot of reasons for my doing so, and i'm not going to list them all, but i'm taking this thing down. i've had fun doing this site, but now there's a lot of things that's taking me away from tending to it. (if you've been here recently, you would have noticed that the last time i updated this page was july 20th)

maybe some other time when i have more time on my hands, and when i feel like i should run this site again. it seems like not that many people liked this site. if i do decide to run for the mind again, it'll probably just be my stories, and just possibly.. other stories i think are good (i won't name names, but there were a few stories on this site that i thought completely sucked. no offense to any authors)

so for now, go to some other fic sites and have fun!

and sorry again. look for me again in a few months! ha!

mail me