Riddles, Tournaments and Decks for the
Middle-Earth® Collectible Card Game

the Riddle Game.

Dare you play the Riddle Game with Umagaur the Pale?

the Decks.

Hear the tales of adventurers that entered here. Be they good or evil; LEARN!.

the Guide.

A guide to Middle Earth: Collectible Card Game. For beginners and others.

the Links.

Find old and forgotten places though Moria's long tunnels.
Dutch Tournaments.

Wage battles or betrayal. Your enemy will pass through here.

Dutch Ranking.

Compare your prowess to others: Know who are the Uruk and who the Snaga.

Message Board.

Looking for opponents, specific cards, help or nothing in particular? Read and post here!.

the Dutch Council.

Find your way over land and sea to the Isles of the Dead that Live.

MECCG, METW, METD, MEDM, MELE, MEAS, MEWH and MEBA are games from Iron Crown Enterprises. All original artwork © Iron Crown Enterprises.