Live Life To The Fullest! And Live One Filled Full Of Utopia! : )Later The Kman!

Ann - 12/21/98 03:31:18
How Did You Find This Site?: Surfing
Do You Go To The Ocean Often?: No

I fell for the base player of a tribute band that plays in South-Western Ontario in Canada. VH makes me wet.

Shane - 12/02/98 15:37:34
How Did You Find This Site?: Great VH fan(searching for info.)
Do You Go To The Ocean Often?: not really
If Yes, Where Do You Go?: Gulf of Mexico
Gotta Pet? If yes, What Is It, And It's Name?: White German Shepard (Shania)
What/Where Is Your Favorite Web Site?: Van Halen Links
What Do You Like Doing More Than Anything?: Coaching Sports (football)

Hey Kman, I'm from West Texas, 23 years old and I enjoy Van Halen's music. It's the greatest! When we are in the weight room or before a game we jam to VH. I guess I've listen to them for at least ten years. I'm a cowboy from Texas that likes to listen to Eddie ick the guitar. I enjoyed you site extremely, because out here we don't hear much about'em. I plan to visit again so keep up the good work.

Shane - 12/02/98 15:35:17
How Did You Find This Site?: Great VH fan(searching for info.)
Do You Go To The Ocean Often?: not really
If Yes, Where Do You Go?: Gulf of Mexico
Gotta Pet? If yes, What Is It, And It's Name?: White German Shepard (Shania)
What/Where Is Your Favorite Web Site?: Van Halen Links
What Do You Like Doing More Than Anything?: Coaching Sports (football)

Hey Kman, I'm from West Texas, 23 years old and I enjoy Van Halen's music. It's the greatest! When we are in the weight room or before a game we jam to VH. I guess I've listen to them for at least ten years. I'm a cowboy from Texas that likes to listen to Eddie ick the guitar. I enjoyed you site extremely, because out here we don't hear much about'em. I plan to visit again so keep up the good work. Coach Mob

mike nardini - 11/28/98 21:13:56
How Did You Find This Site?: looking for Van stuff
Do You Go To The Ocean Often?: no


Max - 10/03/98 04:58:00
How Did You Find This Site?: Kman
Do You Go To The Ocean Often?: yup
If Yes, Where Do You Go?: DE and NJ
Gotta Pet? If yes, What Is It, And It's Name?: yes, dog, Missi
What/Where Is Your Favorite Web Site?:
What Do You Like Doing More Than Anything?: playing guitar

Great page Ken! Especially liked the VH spinning logo on top. Only problem is you need some more stuff than pictures and links. Even links to specific pages would be cool.

Jeff Otto - 09/28/98 23:28:53
How Did You Find This Site?: somebody told me about it ;)
Do You Go To The Ocean Often?: I wish!
If Yes, Where Do You Go?: Cancun or La costa del sol
Gotta Pet? If yes, What Is It, And It's Name?: a dog
What/Where Is Your Favorite Web Site?: (best site i've ever seen.)
What Do You Like Doing More Than Anything?: play guitar

Hey Kman cool site. (I've got a new one in development, I'll let you know when it's done.) Anyway I'll put a link on my Guitar Site to your new site. Later... -- Jeff


Cindy - 09/22/98 19:50:45
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

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