Welcome to the LINKS page!

I created this page with useful links and information I have found while learning how to promote and reach an audience for my latest songs and CD.
On this list I put the latest info at the top. If you find a link that is no longer valid, Please let me know..

- Indie links and info -
www.surfjam.com is a fun, new, and just plain good music website. It just got under way so now is a good time (and when isn't it a good time?) to get your site linked to another great site. It's a win-win situation. Contact Michael.

www.earbuzz.com will create a great looking page for you, create MP3 versions of several songs and make them available, take credit cards over a secure line, you can sell not only CD's but T-shirts and whatever else is related to your music, when they sell a an item for you they don't take any of the sale (that's right, they sell it for $12.00 - you get $12.00).
All for the unbelievable price of $0.00 I'll rephrase this - IT'S FREE!!! and it's a very professionally done page.

www.musiciansatlas.com is a printed guide full of resources for performing and recording artists. The site features an overview of the material covered, including club talent buyers, record label A&R contacts, managers, indie distrubutors, etc. All for only $19.95!

www.gigmania.com is a site listing, featuring and promoting active touring bands, their live performances and recorded music. You can buy a ticket to a show, buy a CD, listen to music samples, read a CD review or watch a streaming 'live' video of a show. They are also offering 'FREE' webpages.

Ripped off by any music scams lately? A band called 'Wirewood' has and started a web site dedicated to posting info on both good and bad people and companies.www.musicripoff.com is where you can tell your horror stories or listen to them. Way to go Wirewood!!

This is a new Australian based free music Web site for musicians, bands and music listeners. Check out http://soundz.ozbytes.net.au. They also have info & instructions on how to digitize and upload your music, and many links to sites that can provide programs and other info for musicians.

I used to think all Search Engines were basically the same...until I was told about Dogpile.com. This engine scans all the other search engines for you, all at the same time!!. Check it out...

If your interested in a good, no a great, music trade magazine - you have to check out Music Connection. They are online and hardcopy.
A good electronic music trade mag is Buzzine.com .

Looking to sell your CD's online?? Here are two companies to check out...
WWP. They are a music promotion & Service agency.
Array Entertainment. They help independant artists promote their products and activities.

This is, well I think the name says it all... Ari's Simple List of Record Labels.
Want more hits on your site???? You can put your URL out for free on WebRings and several good music sites.

Are you a NERD? Well, you don't have to be one to get some good info about most anything. Follow the music links in this site, everything from indie lists to unknown bands, to forums, etc. It's called www.nerdworld.com.

MUSICIANS SEEKING MUSICIANS on a world wide basis....I'll say that again so it sinks in....A world wide musician seeking musician website....

www.music.recycler.com is 'where musicians and their instruments come together'. Very useful site. Also has musicians seeking musicians, lists of managers, plus you can put an ad in to sell or find instruments.

www.lyricalline.com is for songwriters and lyricists. Very useful info and lots of it.

www.rockhall.com is the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame.. Good site.

www.rocknrollreporter.com has interviews with rock stars. It has an archive of all past interviews which is fun.

www.backstage.comis where you can buy new & vintage 'signed' insturments, posters, & photo's. They supply a lot of the gear you see at a "Hard Rock Cafe".


I'm an avid Tennis player/fan so I created a page with links to some of the top pros and other interesting tennis related items.

Check out Pete's web page - Check out Michael Chang's site - Check out the USTA's site - Check out your opponents rating - The 1999 Footnotes ratings are out!! Check out your rating - Of course a site for Anna Kournakova. There's a site with Coaches tips and a tennis chat site.


At the bottom of this page I have a few sites where you can get FREE graphics and advice for your webpage designing.

Need information regarding Father's Rights? Child Custody/support issues? A place where you can tell the world about the person who is abusing the system, you, and the kids? Go to The Father's Rights Internet Resource Guide


A few more comments received about my CD -

I'm impressed with the vocals. Sounds like sibling harmonies with a unique use of intervals."Music critic for The Altae Arts & Performers Review"

Strong, from the heart, sad, happy, mystery. These are some of the things I feel listening to Kenn's CD" Music Publicist for The KPBS Music Inc."

Dude!!I feel for ya'. Get some suds and chill, things will get better, I know a girl that would be just right for you. "Phil Butterman of The Butterman Chronicles"

Just picture her face on the center of the raquet and wail on it! "My tennis instructor"

Web Graphic's Sites

I found a lot of the graphics for my pages at FREE sites.

My favorite is The Animation Factory I just bought the two CD's they offer. Fantastic graphics, very professional looking and something to fit any need.


Laurie 's Free Web Graphics and For your Eyes Only both have a lot of good, clean graphics.


One site good for beginners is Ricks Web Design Workshop. He gives great pointers on how to make animated graphics, plus, there is a list of 240 animated graphic you can download for FREE!! And it's not just for beginners! Lots of good stuff!


Kudos to Jim Hartley and his Real Audio Tutor. It made putting streaming audio onto my page very easy and pain free. One of the keys is a .rpm file that Geocities needs. But of course the Geocities Forum helps out again, go to the SunsetStrip Help Forum and read title RE: Real Audio Streaming.


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E-mail me at Kennpet@msn.com. I would like to hear from you. Thanks!!

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