Hanson Stories on the Net
"...Stories will be told
Oh, until we're old
Stories will be told
Until the end of time..."

There are thousands upon thousands of Hanson fan fiction on the net. At first, it was your basic teenybopper story- girl moves to Tulsa/girl finds out she lives next door to Hanson/Girl makes friends with them/Becomes one of Hanson's girlfriend (Most likely Taylor)/They live happily ever after.
Luckily people have been writing stories that are edgier and cooler- and actually have a plot. Here's our list of the highly recommended ones.

Close your eyes but don't sleep
Tulsa 74132
Isaac's letter to Tay

Coming soon! Trusting. The story of a family, when the supernatural and the power of mankind unite.

Have fan fiction you'd like put up? Send it over and we'll see!!