Say what?

"If we are girls....then we are the UGLYEST bunch of girls
we've ever seen!" ~Isaac, Taylor, Zac "We're regular kids!" ~Zac "As you can see, Zac gets a little carried away." ~Isaac "Okay, so I'm the only one who ever felt that way." ~Isaac
(about wanting to be one of the X-Men) "They almost ripped my body half apart!" ~Taylor "We've always been close." ~Zac "We don't want to be the next Partridge Family." ~Isaac "Everything changes" ~Taylor "Beep! Wrong answer!!!! Do not pass go, do not collect
$200!" ~Taylor "Yeah, Zac was dropped on his head as a baby..." ~Taylor "I want to stay in Oklahoma because it's kind of a cool place
to go back to." ~Zac "Think of us as old people with high voices." ~Zac "I'm a boy, but I'm not gonna pull down my pants to prove
it!" ~Taylor "They're like my best friends, only bester." ~Zac "Save a tree, Eat a beaver" ~Zac "Brunetters are really cool" ~Isaac "There's a world full of hot chicks out there" ~Taylor "Taylor's very good at being sneaky" ~Isaac "People ask us if there's girls we write about and there's
actually not. We just dream about them!" ~Taylor "We always have enjoyed music, and our parents thought it
was cool." ~Isaac "If we got a monkey, I'd be too busy playing with it to write
a song about it!" ~Taylor "Thanks for being there for us! We love you fans!" ~Zac "Make your life like toilet paper, long and useful." ~Zac "I missed out on getting dumped by about 10 million girls.
Getting beat up by bullies. Peer pressure. ~Isaac "You have to be yourself before you can be anything. ~Taylor "I like a good spankin" ~Zac "We're always going to be there for each other, and we're
always going to be doing this." ~Isaac "Girls are so cute!" ~Zac "I'm a Hanson boy, I don't cry!" ~Zac "Girls are just the icing on the cake, or music is like a hot
dog and girls are the condiments, or life is like a twinkie
and girls are the sticky white stuff inside ~Zac "I used to be the goofiest and then Zac just kind of took
over" ~Isaac "I might be a wild rock'n'roller but you won't catch me
peeing in public." ~Taylor "Thou shalt have a frog in thy bathroom!" ~Isaac "Zac, you're pretty fly for a white guy." ~Taylor "Listen for The Rumble, then run" ~Zac "I'm actually dating an invisible girl in this audience" ~Zac "Peace, Love and BulletProof Marshmallows" ~Zac "We couldn't do a concert, we couldn't sell a record and we
couldn't live a minute without you" ~Isaac "Usually when Tay has his moments it's late at night and
everyone's tired" ~Zac "The cool thing about England is that they actually speak
english"~Isaac "We love to make music, we love doing what we're doing.
We love where we are and we want to keep doing that in our
lives." ~Isaac "I think music is always evolving. Things are always changing.
People are always changing what they like...just like styles
change, music changes" ~Isaac "It wasn't quite MMMMMMBop, and it wasn't quite MMBop,
it was MMMBop. . . it just looked good, three M's and a
Bop." ~Isaac "Some people make fun of Hanson. But you know what? I don't
give a rip." ~Isaac "A lot of our songs are really just created. You know,
imagination." ~Isaac "We were always doing what we loved to do. We weren't
worrying about what other bands were doing. We do what we do.
And they do what they do. That's the way of the
world." ~Isaac "I don't think of us as having a God-given talent - it's not
like we're these child geniuses who woke up one morning,
suddenly able to write great songs. We've been snapping our
fingers and singing a cappella for as long as we've been
able." ~Taylor "Our parents never pushed us into this."~Taylor "Success can't go to your head. You have to have fun with it,
but you can't let it make you any different."~Taylor "It's great to be good friends with your brothers. Then
you've got friends for life."~Taylor "Part of what Hanson is, is that there's not just one guy who
sings. Having three voices is what makes us Hanson."~Taylor "We were talking about the fact that nobody had ever written
a song about the word 'weird.' It seemed strange to us.
Think about how many times you say 'weird.'"~Taylor "Look at the cute girl - no wait, it's me!" (about the first
time he saw himself in the MMMBop video) ~Zac "I think I'm probably just so shy that I actually just act
wacky to make up for it." ~Zac "I find it weird when fans scream at us because they want to
meet us. When we actually go over and talk to them they say
nothing. They just look at us and go, 'Erm, um.' That's
weird."~Zac "I'm not a great drummer, but everybody says I can play, so
I'll take their word for it."~Zac "How can we break up? We're brothers!"~Zac "I would rather have someone know all the words to my songs
than to see me in the grocery store, and know who I am."
~Rob Thomas
(not a Hanson quote but I, Kristy, like it) "I would like to think that everything is going so well because
they like our songs, and because there's something in it that
attaches themselves to them and their lives and the things that
they're going through. I mean, you never know, some people like
us 'cause they think we're cute. Some people like us 'cause we
remind them of somebody else. You never know why. And you can't
question it, you just kind of go with it, and say, 'thanks, I'm
glad it's happening.'" ~ Rob Thomas