Rolling Stone Honors Dave Matthews Band
DMB appears in two categories of the history of music
Monday, November 29, 1999

 Sometimes friend and sometimes foe of the Dave Matthews Band, Rolling Stone magazine this week released its favorites of the music industry from the past, well... millenium or so. Dave Matthews Band and its namesake each made an appearance in the reader's choice listings. Dave Matthews, the man, ranked sixth on the "Best Songwriters" list, which was topped by Beatles members John Lennon and Paul McCartney. The band itself ranked eighth on the "Best Rock Bands Ever" list, which was led by the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and Led Zeppelin. These remarkable appreciations from Rolling Stone appear in the double issue 828/829 of the magazine, in stores now.


Best Rock Band Ever

1. The Beatles
2. The Rolling Stones
3. Led Zeppelin
4. Aerosmith
5. Grateful Dead
6. Pink Floyd
7. Pearl Jam
8. Dave Matthews Band
9. Metallica
10. U2

Best Songwriter

1. John Lennon
2. Paul McCartney
3. Bob Dylan
4. Elton John
5. Billy Joel
6. Dave Matthews
7. Paul Simon
8. Kurt Cobain
9. Jimi Hendrix
10. Sting