PACTUM is one of the cult black metal hordes coming from Brazil. If you really love the true, darkness and grotesque underground black metal created in South America, you needs to listen it now! The second full-lenght "Staining the White Veils of christianity with the Blood of Decapitated Lamb", released by the great brazilian label SOMBER MUSIC, is one of the best blasphemic attacks of the new era, furious, technic and intense. Krepuskulum interviewed Count Abigor (all vocals).

KREPUSKULUM: PACTUM already is a real cult horde for the real blackmetalers of South America, is a great honour for us interview you! First of all, talk to us about the legendary history of PACTUM from the beginning in 1995 until now.

Count Abigor: Satanic Hails... The PACTUM horde was formed and idealized by me in 1995, a war weapon against the Christianity and a work replete of arcane feelings that celebrate the honor and the pride of the satanic doctrine, in the beginning of 1996 the band records a demo rehearsal entitled "Ascension and Proliferation of Black Empire ". After several formations, in 1998 the circle is completed definitively with the entrance of Azrael and Allyson, which gave new perspectives and power to the work developed by Pactum. In September of 1999 the new demo is released " Ad Majorem Luciferi Glorium ", it contains 1 intro and 3 black hymns in honor of the luciferian essence... reverence odes to the evil!!! In July of 2000, after the recordings of Debut CD´s drums, Allyson announces his exit of Pactum and for the position is summoned Rengaw. In February of 2001 is released, by the label "Chaos 666 Records" the debut CD " Summa Imperii Satanae 666 ". Definitively the year of 2001 was a year of reached objectives, but also of several changes inside of the horde Pactum, the attempt of a second guitarist's inclusion was frustrating and unviable for ideological factors and musical incompatibility, in October of this same year Rengaw is also removed of the circle for not more to assist the needs of the band, her exit became inevitable. In November of 2001 Malphas is summoned as new member to occupy the drums position. During the whole year from 2001 to 2002 Pactum happened presenting in black celebrations for whole national territory (Brazil) making the popularization of the debut Cd and in the short spaces of time among the trips began the production of new compositions that would be part of the next work. In 2003 the horde enters in Ancient Valley Tower Studios for the recording of the second album, a work that culminated in the production of a crude sound, hateful, obscure and totally nihilistic that reverences the satanic true spirit and Black Metal's rootses. Then appears as a weapon pointed for the face of God "Staining the White Veils of christianity with the Blood of Decapitated Lamb... " released by Somber Music, a work that sends us the misantropic feelings and eternal reverence the humanity's decadence, the fornification, blasphemy and to the Supreme Badly. Now we are playing some celebrations for the country and producing new blasphemy works and hate that will be part of a new work shortly. Await!!!!

We can named PACTUM with the sign of the "true black metal", you play black in the way of the roots, with agressivity, fury, and pain! Where come from the inspiration to play this kind of music?

I thank the praises, we always had our inspirations in Black Metal's rootses and also in traditional bands of the eighties that are faithful to its ideals, but our largest inspiration comes from our personal existences, our singular vision on the decadent world in that we lived, our faith in the satanism and our hate & repulses against the Christianity and all messianic religions and the blind mass that follow them.

Your powerful musics are based in guitars, bass, drums and vocals. What do you think about the new wave of black metal, called "Melodic Black Metal" and bands as such as DIMMU BORGIR & CRADLE OF FILTH that include female voices, violins, flutes, etc?

We do what we believed, hateful and satanic Black Metal forged in the old tradition, without freshness. The people express their ideas in different ways inside of the music, even so the label Melodic Black Metal or any other mixture to Black Metal is ridiculous, it doesn't make sense. Black Metal is an only thing and junctions don't exist for this style, true Black Metal will always be only and untouchable. Bands as Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth makes music to sell, they are products of the fashion for girls and little gays. This attitude doesn't have anything with true Black Metal, sincerely, in spite of them to be printed inside by all the songs of the rotten & opportunist media, for me they had never existed, they don't make difference, they are pure shit!

The new opus "Staining the White Veils of christianity with the Blood of Decapitated Lamb" are one of the best true black metal albums of the brazilian history! The production is great, the sound remember some albums from the end of 80th. How did you get to maintain this dirty and obscure climate in the music? Is the production analogical?

I thank for the intense praise to the new album, that is very important for us. We simply do what we liked, our music reflects our essences and thoughts, it is part of that that we are, everything it sounds natural and in a singular way. No, the production is not analogical, it was everything digital recorded, but in the mix & master we arrived to a consent that the final production would have to sound as in the old times, if our album seems dirty for a lot of people, this doesn't matter for us, fuck them, we are not there to be running behind we be the new sensation or something of as a lot of bands do. Our sound is made for people that carry the old spirit of true Black Metal inside of himself and not for imbecile and fashion boys.

The musics of the band are very agressive but we can hear an interesting melodic touch created by the guitar lines, promoting a lot of climates in your music, like in the fabulous "Invocation of The Sinister Gods of Darkness". For you, what are the importance of the speed in your music?

Our music really goes by several variations, these musical variations are tied up with our obscure and blasphemous feelings, they are moments of intense hate, blasphemy and etc... Everything tied in an intense way with what is yelled in the moment, everything becomes an only thing, the true essence of Pactum.We didn't care in we be more extreme or more slow in our music, we make music in a natural way, we played with our obscure souls and the several feelings that bombard them to every second. Everything runs in agreement with what we thought of the moment, melting our ideas and expressing these in the best possible way.

Your lyrics are very depressive and satanic. Are you satanist? Do you believe in Satan and Hell? What do you think about Anton La Vey, Aleister Crowley and The Church Of Satan? What are your relation with Satan? Did you realize rituals or another kind of Satanic glorification?

Yes, with a lot of pride I am a satanist. The hell concept is different for a lot of people, the people mystify a lot of this concept, I believe in this concept in a singular way and explain it here would be impossible. It is a complex subject, know that I don't believe in the apocalyptic histories of the Bible or any similar shit, for more apocalyptic and mythical that my lyrics seem in the new album, try to understand and to feel the reality of the theme approached in the interlineations. People as Anton S. La Vey and Aleister Crowley created satanic methods and several ways to explain feeling that takes us to the encounter of Satan were as deity or as a psychic natural force that governs our lives, each one had his way to explain the satanism, even so I don't agree in an integral way with its methodologies and thoughts, exist many interesting things, but also exist many disposable things in this. I believe in the traditional satanism and this didn't learn with methods and hierarchies, it already existed inside from the beginning of us and I exalt that at every moment and I contribute so that this flame maintains lives in my heart and in the another people's heart, because we followed our lives in a different way, we didn't polish the life´s obstacles but we destroyed them. Satan governs our lives, my relationship with him is in all my existence, it is in the pleasure, it is in the hate, it is in the my enemies' destruction it is in me and in all humanity, some left that he appeared in their lives and they do of their lives accomplishments that echoes for the eternity and other they hide it and they fear it and they will live as blind sheep for the rest of their lives still contributing more to their own decadence. There is anything of divine in what we lived, in the sin of the world is our largest pleasure and accomplishment. To live in the way in that we lived, doing what we do, everything in an intense way, that everything by itself is already ritual and glorification.

What do you think of the future of the mankind? Are you nihilists?

Yes, I am a nihilist. There is not future for humanity and there will never be!!!!

The cover art of the new album are very intense and creep, talk to us about the concept behind it and about the meaning of the cover picture in the slip case.

The cover art of the CD is an assembly maid to reflect the christ decadence and of the Christianity, visualizing the layer you can understand that forms they are spotted the bastard white veils. Everything was elaborated so that the people understood that the christ & christianity decadence is the world in that lived and they are your children, Christian statements, that are assigned of staining the sanctity of the church and its philosophy, and it is that that happens for everybody. In the layer of the slipcase we can already see the christ without forces, totally submissive being beaten and humiliated by the torturers, it is as if the humanity recognized the flaw that is the christ image, it is weak and humiliating, the image of the degradation, is this that the bastard represents, the degradation of all human condition.

Why do you use the corpse painting and inverted crosses & the strange symbols in the booklet of the album?? Is the image important for the black metal music?

Don´t exist a cause, this is Black Metal and its tradition, all tradition exists to be proceeded and perpetuated, the corpse paint is our war painting, the spikes, currents, bullets, leather is our armors and the whole simbology that we used in the CD are tied up with our faith, they are secrets that represent demons, they represent the force and the power. The image has its importance, but it is not the most important thing for Black Metal, even because any idiot can have a band of B.M.., to use corpse paint, spikes, simbologies and etc, that is to say, Black Metal Wear, but even so they don't have one of the most important things for us, essence and Black Metal attitude.

What do you think about the brazilian black metal scene? What are the best brazilian hordes in your opinion?

The Brazilian scene is big and is composed for a great number of bands and serious people, but anything is perfect, they also exist the negative points, which are many and latent, such as the segregation groups than exist thereabout, competition on the part of bands and a cheap and ridiculous utopia that some Black Metal elite exists inside of the Brazilian scene, what exists is an elite of mercenaries and opportunists that expose Black Metal more and more as if it was a circus attraction. Doesn't exist a lot of good to speak about our scene, there will never be union, only enters small groups that end for coinciding yours ideas and thoughts, but we should not be utopian to the point of to believe that one day everything and everybody will be the same thing, we would have to murder many decadent worms that only do for destroying the scene. I always hoped that could move, but sincerely after years and years inside of this, I see that the possibilities are really very remote, that is to say, the situation is more than critic. In spite of the problems that our scene presents I am forced to agree that Brazil is a great barn of revelations of the Black Metal scene, I have been listening great works, what can mention immediately they would be bands as: Amen Corner, Ares Wrath, Impiedoso, Luciferiano, Oculto, Tiwaz, Osculum Obscenum, Miasthenia, Regnum Umbra Ignis, Vultos Vociferos, Crux Caelifera, Imperious Malevolence, Blooddawn, Berzabum, Apokaliptic Raids, Mythological Cold Towers, Great Vast Forest, Goat Penis, Hecate, Mausoleum, Bestymator, Demoniac Lord, Lord Satanael, exists several another that it doesn't come me to the memory in this instant.

Talk to us about PACTUM gigs. Do you intend play alive around the Brazil and World to promote the new album?

After the release of the second album, we give several shows, in the moment that have been marking it is for the month of September, we will play all the weekends on this month, 05/09 we will play with Krisiun in Ourinhos (SP) (to confirm), 18/09 with Vulcano and Amen Corner in Curitiba (PR) and 25/09 in Mafra (SC) with Amen Corner, Luciferiano and several other bands that I don't remember in the moment. We really have the intention of playing in a great tour for Brazil, we are negotiating some dates, but we don't still have defined or established , about playing for the world, we will love it, We are expecting good opportunities so that that happens!!!

Which is the real purpose of his music? Do you have a life philosophy?

To destroy, to end with every ignorance that permeates the humanity, and to take the satanism as life philosophy and freedom to all those that believe in the human condition as the top of the universal chain!!!! Our life philosophy is Black Metal and Satanism and nothing else matters!!!!

What are the black metal bands that influenced the PACTUM music and posture. What are the best 10 black metal albums of the history in your opinion?

Count Abigor: Several bands influenced us, the albums that I could mention here they are several, but we are going at the 10 that you requested: 1. Venon - Black Metal, 2. Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids, 3. Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract, 4. Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon, 5. Emperor - Emperor, 6. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Satanas, 7. Burzum - Hivis Lyset Tar Oss, 8. Sarcófago - I.N.R.I., 9. Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom e 10. Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the interview and congratulations again for the fabulous masterpiece "Staining the White Veils of christianity with the Blood of Decapitated Lamb". Give your last words to the PACTUM south american fanatics!

We thanked Krepuskulum Webzine's support, continue supporting the evil national underground scene.To the true worshipers of the darkness and children of the hate we left our sincere greetings, stay of erect heads and destroy everything without pity and without compassion ... all that we do in life echoes for the eternity and it turns us immortal. The whole traitors & vampires that sucks Black Metal dishonoring and staining our glorious past, DIE BASTARD AND DROWN IN ITS OWN HYPOCRISIES!!!



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