Well, looks like you stopped by my
"Little Cabin Home On The Hill"

Glad to see ya, stranger. Come in and sit down.

Well, let me introduce me myself first. In short, it's a Southern Man page. I wasn't born below Mason-Dixon line, alas, but I think it doesn't count much. 'Cause if a man identifies hisself as a Southron, well, so be it. I love South. I was lucky to live there for a certain amount of time. And nothing can change my NOT SO HUMBLE opinion that most beautiful sight one can see is a sunrise in Shenandoah Valley. As well as the most beautiful season is the fall in the Blue Ridge Mountains. And most beautiful feeling a man can remember for his whole life is the feeling of Tennessee night with magnolias blossom, Jack Daniel's in one hand (awright, awright - mint julep) and a hand of his sweetheart in another, listen to a bird singing and moon was yellow... Yes, that's the South!!!

I still ain't got me no answer what's better - "Little Cabin Home On The Hill" or "Home In The Meadow". But it sure is worth listening... :-) (You'll need RealAudio device to listen to them songs)

YES, IMPORTANT NOTE. This page I do devote to my friend Gene Hyde from Chattanooga, TN, man without whom I could never visit US and thus be a lot more different than I am now. He showed me the South and taught me to love this land. He was always kind to me and answered my every question. He is one of the kindest persons I ever knew. I am simply glad that years ago I met him.

Well what do I have on this page of mine?

That's it. Never mind, jest try them links and feel fine. See you next door. And meanwhile, buddy, tell me opinion of your. To send me a letter just click here: Drop me a note! or here:Yes, a letter...

I was young and strong and I was running against the wind

I read it!

Dixie Daily News
