The Burning Hot AWARDS!!!

Music Site Critic
This one was a complete surprise I got in my messages during the time I wasn't even online. It speaks for itself and I am very happy about it. Click on the image to find other great 98° sites, as well as other artists

From the 1999 Webmaster's awards-Christmas heat!
This one also came as a COMPLETE shock to me. I didn't even know I was in the running, so it is extra nice. Thank you to EVERYONE!!!

THANK YOU To all those that voted for "Burning Hot". It really does mean a lot to me that people are enjoying my site ;-) That is why I do it after all hehe ;-)

Given for excellence in website design

Thank you again to all those who voted for me in the "Unofficial 98° website awards" and "The 2nd Unofficial 98° Website Awards".

Here are three flowers to show my appreciation to EVERYONE who has supported my page and encouraged me ;-)

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