Oh, to be famous...

So, I've met:

Noel Gallagher 10/95
Noel of Oasis
So, I was in London at the Astoria outside waiting for Missy, my flatmate, to get our coats from the coat check and meet me outside after a Cast concert. Everyone already knew that Noel was at the concert because they yelled out to him from the floor of the club up to the balcony where he was sitting. I was standing there on the pavement when I see all these tv cameras in front of Astoria 2 and a bunch of kids started yelling "KORN!!!!!! KORN!!!". Yeah, they were playing, so as I still stood there waiting, I looked up, and who walked right in front of me...no one other than Noel. I walked up to him and even shook his hand. He was all smiles. So was I.
Ronald Reagan 1978 or 1979
What a great man...
I met Pre-President Reagan when I was in kindergarten. He came to William Carey College when he was governor of California, and our class got to meet him and got his autograph. No, not even one of you out there can have it.
Colin Hay 12/15/95
James, don't say 'da da da'...
Met Colin after his show at the Borderline in London. The guy standing near the backstage door asked me if I wanted to go back there and meet him. DUH! Spoke to him for a bit, got a photo, and his autograph on a cd. NOW TAKE THAT, YOU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISBELIEVERS! :P
Morrissey's band....Jonny, Alain, Boz, and Spencer (in that order as seen in the photo below with Moz in the middle) 11/29/95
The boys...see how I met them
Click on the photo to read how I met them...
Larnelle Harris 8/22/98
One of my favorite Christian singers
Got to speak to him after a local performance.
George Jones (skaid!) 1994
George, now appearing at your local Wal-Mart...Wanna buy my dog food?  YEHA!
When we got our first new Super Walliverse, George Jones made a special appearance there promoting his new dog food line. Needless to say, the nerd that I am, I decided to go there with a friend just to say I met him. Got his autograph, and shook his hand. I love being stupid sometimes.
Barry Williams, aka, Greg Brady 9/96
He came to USM to give a talk about being Greg Brady or something like that. He signed photos afterwards.
Gene Watson (E-HE!!) 10/92
I told him I loved the concert.  I didn't watch *any* of it...
Ooh, this is a good story... I went with my mom, Andee, and 2 weirdos to the State Fair in Jackson because my mom wanted to see Gene in concert. Andee and I wanted to ride the rides. So when we were done, and we figured the concert was over, we went back to the stage area looking for mother and the weirdos. They weren't there, but there was a queue of a very few people waiting to get Gene's autograph. I forewarned Andee of what I was about to do. We walk up to him. I shake his hand and tell him that I LOVED the concert and got him to autograph a napkin, as that was all that I had that he could sign. Andee just told him, "Good concert," or something to that effect and shook his hand. I still have that napkin somewhere...hahaha...
Squire Parsons ??
Christian singer
Spoke to him after a local performance.
R. L. Burnside 8/30/97
Well, well, well, I got the bluuuuuuuessss
If I remember correctly, either we just got to shake his hand or we got to dance on stage with him as well, after some friends and I saw him perform at a local club.
Bill Dance 7/31/99
He made Andee sit on his lap.  Har!!
Met him somewhat when Andee wanted her photo taken with him at the B.A.S.S. Expo thingy in New Orleans. See their photo on the "my photos with some of the famous people" link below.
One of the guys in Cast, most likely the one on the right 10/95
I don't even know his name
Some girls were gooing over this guy on the pavement after the same Cast concert at the London Astoria. I just walked up to their group and got in on the autographs. I stood right next to him, spoke to him like anyone else, got his autograph. After he walked off, I asked those girls who he was. They said it was "blah blah, the guitarist/or/bassist in Cast". I still never understood what they said or figured out what his name was.
Little River Band 6/9/00
Have *you* heard about the Lonesome Loser?
Met them after their concert at the Grand Casino in Gulfport, MS. They're really a bunch of nice guys. The guitarist on the left is one of the BEST I've ever heard.
Dave Ramsey 2/28/03
One day soon, I, too, will be debt free!
Met Dave at a book signing in Jackson. Later that day I went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, and I didn't spend any money on a credit card, except for the room we stayed in those nights.
Jill Conner Browne, the Sweet Potato Queen 1/8/03
She liked my sweater...what can I say...
Again, met her at a book signing in Jackson.
Laurie Hickson-Smith 2/1/03
So, can you come redecorate my bathroom?
Spoke to Laurie at Moe's Restaurant in Jackson. She almost got mauled by a church group amazed to see her in person!

Now for the folks I've encountered/seen close in person:

Tabatha Soren, formerly of MTV 1994
I saw her speak one semester at USM at a forum. Afterwards she gave a question and answer session at another location. I was a few feet from her.
Robin Leach 1996
*fake accent* This is Robin Leach with the Lifestyles of the Poor and Helpless
I kinda interrupted a filming session thingy on the sidewalk one day. It wasn't intentional....I had 2 children with me and had to walk that way to take them to their mother. Well, when the director said, "CUT!", I looked over and it was Robin Leach. I had no clue that he was even going to be on campus! So you know that was a big surprise to look over and see him, especially in Hattiesburg, MS!!!
Miki of Lush 11/95
I passed her on the sidewalk before their concert in London at a pub in 1995.
Jerry Clower 1989
He's from Mississippi, and has been at the Old Time Festival and Hubfest before. I've just passed him walking down the street. My mom was right beside him and got her photo taken like that...not that she really spoke to him...at least I don't think she did...
Hank Parker 7/31/99
Gone fishin', doo-doo doo, doo-doo-doo
Also saw him at the B.A.S.S. Expo thingy in New Orleans. He hosted the weigh-in later that night.

Now go to my page of pics with some of these people!


Counter hits as of 11 February 1999.

Updated 17, 20 October 2003, 6 & 7 March 2002, 8 July, 19 April 2000, 28 August 1999, 23 August, 9 May, 1 March 1998