

HI. thanks for coming, most of you probably know me already, but in
case you don't, I am 19/m from Springfield, Illinois.
I Like to spend most of my time on the computer, mostly on IRC. (mIRC or ICQ) I also like to make web pages.  I have a few myself, and I enjoy helping others make their web pages.
....check my Alanis page out if your a fan, or just for the hell of it, cause it looks really nice, and i spent many hours on it.

Hey everyone! I finally updated my page after ignoring it forever! I didn't really do to much, I just added another page with pictures from my trip to Florida .. Check it out


I have lots of friends on IRC..I spend a lot of time on mIRC on DALnet join me in #coolteens



 Christy's Homepage
 Christy's other Homepage
 SCARE's Homepage
 Raaa's Homepage
 MY Alanis Page
 Foxxy's Homepage
 Natalie's Homepage





Thanks For Coming To My Web Site!! Please come back soon!

Come chat with me on mIRC sometime I am the founder of #coolteens and I go by the nick Stoner.

 Don't have mIRC ? Download it at the bottom of the page!!


My ICQ number is - 832692

E-Mail Me !

