WELCOME TO............................................. Last updated 12/17/97

***NOTICE*** IndyNet has moved to a new address. www.ghp.net/indynet This site is still fully functional, but will no longer contain the latest information. Please update your bookmarks!

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This is a musician resource site, catering to all, but located

in Indiana and dedicated to Indiana musicians. We provide

links from our page, website design, as well as

general musical info for the indie artist. Send us your news and you

WILL get press here.

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WIN the NEW IndyNet Award

Win our award! Is your site worthy of an award? IndyNet is now giving out this award for sites that excel. Must be related to the Indy music scene, have quality content, reasonable loading speed, and good navigation. Submit your site by E-mail and be sure to include your complete URL. Winners will receive their award via e-mail. Go on and strut your stuff!


IndyNet, Indiana Musician Resource on the Web! ......NEW!! LINK TO US!



Neapolitan Orchestra, a 3-piece progressive rock band with their latest release "Almost Syrup". They call themselves "progressive rock explorers". Read about the band and their CD on our reviews page.

NOTICE: If you have a CD, please send it in for a review. You will be considered for our Featured Band. To submit, e-mail us for info.

THIS MONTH'S TIP : If you are serious about getting some major-league exposure, and some major-league criticism to go along with it, most likely, check out TAXI. They cost a lot, but may be the only place you can get the kind of feedback they offer. The people who review your song submissions all have incredible credentials. The cost might well be offset by what you learn if you have an open mind. Even if you can't afford to join, you might want to check out their site, it's full of useful information.

for best selection and prices


Music Mall On-Line offers you the ability to sell your products on-line for really great prices. Check them out for the opportunity to offer secure purchasing.

Check out the new Nuvo Rock Coalition Webring.

Scott Beasley, local MTV stringer, is looking to write reviews of Indiana bands. E-mail him for info.

The Bloomington Scene page is back up and running at this URL, by popular demand! Update your bookmarks!

Suzanne Glass is looking for a bass player.

The Indianapolis Music Group is an all volunteer, not-for-profit, tax exempt organization dedicated to increasing the visibility of the Indianapolis and Indiana area as an important center of live and recorded music. We are dedicated to educating and raising the profile of the local musician and elevating diversity through music. Visit their website to find out about up-coming events and how you can become involved.




Please e-mail us your feedback. or fill out our form.

Nothing this month....send us something!



Awards IndyNet has won!

Eye Candy WWW Site Reviews Select Site Award from GraphX Kingdom The Ultimate Web Award

Musicians' Network Award


GHP.net, designer of this site, will design a website for indie-oriented artists and companies for a discounted cost, as a service to the INDY SCENE !


Page created by GHP.net for a song. Get yours today!

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