The Greatest Match of All Time!!!

Ranney-in-the-Summer Slam '98
The tag team title match that was decided in the confines of a 15 foot tall steel cage!!!

Big Daddy Underpants
Porn Star Hector Doodles


"Hacksaw" Jim Duckets
Raykwon "Haystacks" Calhoun

Kid Nikki, the Latino Bambino

The Match

Raykwon and Duckets come out to ringside all fired up. They are flexing and yelling to fire up the crowd. Big Daddy and Doodles are head butting each other repeatedly to get ready for the match. Duckets and Big Daddy Underpants start off the contest. Like a jackass, Duckets decides to taunt Big Daddy, "I'm gonna beat the pants off you, Big Daddy". Big Daddy then charges at Duckets who then runs around the ring until he can tag in Raykwon. Raykwon enters the ring by perfectly executing a deadly Hurricana (propelling over the top rope in a flip motion into a headlock on the opponent) using the first and third ropes. Then Raykwon, maintaining the leglock around the head of Big Daddy, flips him into the cage. When he recovers, Big Daddy tags in Hector Doodles. Doodles enters the ring and immediately body slams Raykwon into the referee, which knocks the ref outside of the ring. For some strange reason, Raykwon and Doodles join forces to beat the ref senseless, put a mask over his head, and roll him under the ring. Their only motive may have been to beat each other without rules or supervision. When they get back into the ring, however, the ref is there too, with the mask still over his head. Sensing that the ref doesn't know what the hell is going on, all four opponents enter the ring and all hell breaks loose!!!

Raykwon is being pummelled against the turnbuckle, so in an attempt to save his partner, Duckets climbs to the top rope. In an amazing turn of events, the ref tugs on the ropes and Duckets falls hard into a straddle on the top rope. "Oooooooh!!!", the crowd yells. The ref mumbles "I guess you won't be sleeping around anymore". Everyone is confused. Then the ref leaves the ring and pulls out a ladder and a steel chair. The ref enters the ring and cracks the chair over Big Daddy's head. Then the ref uses a low blow to knowck Doodles out. Raykwon, recovering, goes outside and gets the ladder. When it is set up, Duckets attempts to climb the ladder but when he gets on top the ref dropkicks the ladder and Duckets falls into the side of the cage. Meanwhile, Raykwon is using his drunken boxing skills on Big Daddy. Noticing Duckets injury, Doodles sets him up for the "Pelvic Thrust of Doom". But before he has a chance, Raykwon uses the "Spinning Kick of Death" and connects on Doodles head. Realizing his team is in control, Duckets decides to climb to the top of the cage to fire up the crowd. In the meantime, Raykwon is setting up Big Daddy for "The Ass Kicker" by setting his flame retardant boot on fire. Then, Duckets loses his grip on the cage and lands on Raykwon, just as he is about to administer the Kicker. Duckets falls right into the Accidental Crab and all of a sudden Raykwon is in a Boston Crab on thanks to his teammate. Raykwon has no other choice but to submit. It looks like another loss for the Ass-Kickers, but they still retain their titles since the victory was not caused by the opponents. In an unprecedented turn of events, the ref goes to the center of the ring and unmasks. It turns out to be Ducket's wife, Kid Nikki, the Latino Bambino. Unbelievable!!! Fan-tastic!!!

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