The Down & Funky AJ Webring

Hey, y'all! Thanx for checkin' out my new webring! It's an awesome way to increase traffic on your site, and visit other rockin' sites! Just a few things to keep in mind before you join:

1. It has to be a BSB site! (No Aaron Carter sites, please!) I'm looking for lotsa AJ sites, but other BSB sites are just as welcome!

2. You've got to have the HTML code for this webring on your page before it's officially in the ring! I'll be checkin' for this!

Here's how it'll look on your page:

This Down & Funky AJ Webring Site is owned by:

Come join the webring! Visit
Gettin' Down & Funky With AJ McLean
and sign up!
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Copy and paste this code:

<!-- start Down & Funky AJ Webring Code-->
<CENTER> <TABLE BORDER=4 ALIGN="CENTER" BORDERCOLOR="#CC0000" BGCOLOR="000000"><TR><TD><TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER=1 BORDERCOLOR="#CC0000" BGCOLOR="000000"><TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER" WIDTH=193><A HREF=""> <IMG src="//" WIDTH=225 HEIGHT=300 BORDER=0></A></TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH=193><FONT FACE="Jester"><font color=#9933CC><B>This Down & Funky AJ Webring Site is owned by:<BR><a href="mailto:your-e-mail-here">your-name-here</a><br><br> Come join the webring! Visit<BR><A HREF="">Gettin' Down & Funky With AJ McLean</a><br>and sign up!</B></FONT> </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR> <TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="MIDDLE" HEIGHT=30><B> <FONT FACE="Jester">
<a href=";id=your-id-#-here;prev5">Previous 5 Sites</a> |
<a href=";id=your-id-#-here;next5">Next 5 Sites</a> |
<a href=";random">Random</a> |
<a href=";list">List Sites</a> </FONT> </B></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></font>
<!-- end Down & Funky AJ Webring Code-->

NOTE: In the webring code, look to the left of "Previous 5 Sites" and "Next 5 Sites". You'll need to change the ID# spot to your own ID#. Replace the name and e-mail with yours, and you're done! E-mail me if you have any problems.

3. Last but not least, HAVE FUN!!

Join The Ring!

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