Written Works

Welcome to the Library where you can find written works on our favorite boys by me. I've been writing a while but I can admit that I'm exactly a great one at that compared to most of the fan fic writers out there. But I'm happy to that some people actually do read my works, and I'll keep posting them as long as people are reading. (real corny, i know). But move along and read the disclaimer first.

The stories are fictional. None of the events have ever happened and never will. I don't own the BSB obviously (thought I wish I could :)), I don't know their management team, record company blah, blah, blah. All written works are mine, mine, mine! You may NOT reuse it anyway at all without my permission.

The FanFiction

have been bitten by the BSB bug

All works Copyright © 1998 - 2000 Anya.