Jokes and other funny stuff;)

The OJ Trial as told by Dr. Seuss.

I did not kill my lovely wife.
I did not slash her with a knife.
I did not bonk her on the head.
I did not know that she was dead.

I stayed at home that fateful night.
I took a cab, then took a flight.
The bag I had was just for me.
My bag My bag Hey, leave it be!

When I came home, I had a gash.
My hand was cut from broken glass.
I cut my hand on broken glass.
A broken glass did cause that gash.

My friend, he took me for a ride.
All through LA, from side to side.
From north to south, we took a ride.
But from the cops we could not hide.

My trial lasted for a year.
A year A year Just sitting here!
The DNA, the HEM, the HAW.
The circus-hype the viewers saw.
A year A year Just sitting here.
And lawyers charge by the hour, I fear.

Did you do this awful crime?
Did you do this anytime?
I did not do this awful crime.
I could not, would not, anytime.

Did you take this person's life?
Did you do it with a knife?

I did not do it with a knife.
I did not, could not, kill my wife.
I did not do this awful crime.
I could not, would not, anytime.

Did you hit her from above?
Did you drop this bloody glove?

I did not hit her from above.
I cannot even wear that glove.
I did not do it with a knife.
I did not, could not, kill my wife.
I did not do this awful crime.
I could not, would not, anytime.

And now I'm free, I can return
to my house for which I yearn.
And to my family whom I love.
Now could you please return my glove?

Reasons why Motorcycles are better than Men:

Your bike doesn't care how many bikes you've ridden in the past.

Your bike doesn't grow spare tires.

You can ride your bike more than once every hour.

Bikes don't get you pregnant.

Your bike will never check other bikes that are cooler or thinner than you.

Bikes don't have relatives.

Your bike will never criticize your girlfriends.

Your bike doesn't care what time of the month we are in.

Your bike will let you know when something is wrong.

You donīt have to kick your bike to get it to keep going.

If your bike makes too much noise, you can buy a muffler for it.

If your bike stinks you can wash it.

Your bike doesn't mind if you have a poster of the bike-of-your-dreams in your bedroom.